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A late Saturday night and an even more crowded nightclub was enough to make the cold air feel fresh and relaxing to Jin as he had finally finished his shift for the night. It was currently 3.30 in the morning and Jin couldn't wait to get home to his precious bed, but it appears that on this particular night, fate has different plans.

As the poorly lightened streets made a path to the station, the small sounds of cars could be heard in a faraway distance, yet so, the streets seemed quiet. Jin sighed as he kept walking down the street, hoping to be home soon so he could sleep out and get ready for the next day, but as his tired state made him a bit of a slowpoke, he wasn't quietly aware of his surroundings, which gave a good opportunity for shadows to crawl out to their targets.   Jin kept waking in his own pace, enjoy the calm and quiet night until he felt a hand on his shoulder, pushing him hard against a wall.

Only at this moment could he snap out of his half-awake state and stare with fear as he recognised the person pinning him against a wall. It was one of the men from the night he had been chased into and ally and met Namjoon for the first time, one of those disgusting men who looked at Jin with hungry eyes.

"let me go or I'll scream!" Jin threatened as he clenched his teeth in anger at the man in front of him.

The man simply laughed before making eye contact with Jin, now all courage left him as the man's eyes started to glow a deep red colour. The man opened his mouth and daggerlike teeth could be seen. He leaned in closer to Jin and whispered.

"you can scream all you want beauty, I'll just enjoy it more knowing your little guardian isn't here to save you" and with that he tilted Jin's head to the side. Jin was to busy trembling with fear that he couldn't even move as he felt the sharp teeth scratch against his skin, ready to bite at any moment.

"leave him alone unless you want death!" a strong voice echoed out and soon, the man flew backwards and Jin watched in horror as a shadowy figure attacked the man.

The man grunted like and animal and launched forward but got stopped as a hand grabbed hold of his throat, lifting him up and tossing him across the dark street. A small streetlight was all Jin had to try and see what was happening, but his eyes widened even further as he saw the same red eyes in the shadowy figure.

Soon, the figure stepped out into the light and what was revealed scared Jin even more. There he stood, the blonde muscular man who had come to his rescue many times and became a good friend of his, with red glowing eyes as he fought off the other man.

The man got up from the ground and launched forward again, but instead of heading for Namjoon, he headed towards Jin. Jin gave out a small squeal of fear and pressed himself further against the wall. Soon he was dragged forward as the man had Jin in a strong grip and his neck once more tilted to the side, this time with force.

"make one move Namjoon and I'll bite his head off!" the man's anger was clear and all Jin could do was let out a whimper as the man pulled at his hair.

Namjoon froze and a small grin spread across the man's face. But it was soon whipped away when Namjoon launched forward. Jin had no time to react as he was thrown onto the cold ground. He felt his breath become heavier and his vision blurrier and the last thing he saw was blood splashing out onto the street and a low growl.

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