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The moon stood high in the coldest of nights, the silence was all the wind could carry. In that blazing silence, a creature stood watch on the roof of the hidden mansion that had long been forgotten in time by humanity. A heavy sigh left the contemplating creatures lips, the silence, ever so peaceful as the night dragged on.

"Its gone a long time since I saw you up here" a dark yet friendly voice spoke, breaking the ever so peaceful silence Namjoon had.

The contemplating creature turned and came face to face with his old friend. Yoongi gave the blond a blank stare, already aware of his dilemma, it serves the black-haired male well, knowing other's problems better than they did themselves, his long history as well as his long-lasting life have given him a lot of experience in this world.

"I'm trying to make a choice, but I'm stuck in an inner conflict within myself" Namjoon sighed, knowing well enough the situation had no need to be explained to his old friend.

"so I'm aware, I warned you Joon, getting involved with humans isn't good, last time it almost costed us our lives! Yet you refuse to listen and end up bringing him here!" Yoongi spoke, his voice stern, demanding an answer from his friend.

In Yoongi's long life, he'd meet countless humans and creatures, some becoming his friends but despite that, he had since long ago learned his fair chare of lessons of getting close to humans particularly. They are primitive, and irrational, instead of understanding they point a weapon at you, making themselves powerful through threats and destructions. That was the centuries Yoongi had seen, very few humans had gained his trust in his lifespan and many of those who did, turned out to have tricked him.

"I know what you say, but he's different Yoongs, I felt it the moment I made the irrational decision to save him, I know that could have been a mistake but I know that it wasn't. I know not what drives me to him but he's different and yes, reviling myeelf to him was my most foolish thing to do but I had to save him" Namjoon spoke, the clearness in his voice showing his loyalty and trust to Jin as well as the almost dreaded emotion he knew Yoongi was trying to help him avoid

Namjoon knew that it seemed odd that although he'd only known the human for a roughly 2-3 months, he felt like he was destined to meet him. At first he thought he could slowly open up to having human friends but the more he let that thought flow in him, the more he hated being just Jin's friend, he wanted more than that. That was what had let him to his conflicted state, he wanted nothing more that to be by Jin's side, yet he was afraid of being close to him, knowing the mistake caused last time he fell for a human.

"if you're so confidant in your emotions, why contemplate?" Yoongi asked, his experiences façade never falling as it made his intimidating aura grow and normally any creature would bow to him or run from him if seen in this state but Namjoon knew it was just the mask his friend carried.

Namjoon simply gave him a glare. A glare that could easily say it all. Namjoon's inner conflict was fear, it had always been fear. The fear of getting to close to Jin or simply drive him off because of his endless mystery , now the fear of driving him away because he knew the truth, that made him even more afraid, afraid he'd lose control of himself like back then, afraid head forget that has a beast, a killing monster that could easily snap a human in half if not in the right mind.

Namjoon, knew his feelings well for the human well, even though he didn't like that he had them, yet once again, the conflict of hurting or losing control was something that wanted Namjoon to stay away. It had always been in the back of his mind since the moment the two meet, yet he ignored the voice, letting it grow on him and taking his self-confident and bad past drive his emotions now that the truth was out.

Yoongi simply sighed at the silence and the glares given to him. He'd seen Namjoon in this situation before and knew himself the fear that loving such a fragile creature like a human difficult for a vampire, humans had in the beginning been the only food source, making a prey and predator situation happen, because of that, it often built them up with guilt when loving a human, causing them to refuse human blood which is very bad because when not feeding properly, meaning that going past the limit (which is of course different for each individual but usually the limit lies between 2-3 months) they could potentially kill the one they loved because they got driven mad for the thirst for blood. Yoongi had seen loads of vampires gone mad over the centuries over that simple reason and it painted a bad image for his kind it made humans despised them and hunted them down, creating loads of bloodbaths that had spilled thousands of life's.

"If you let the fear of the past haunt you, you'll end up like me, we both know I don't approve of this, but I'll let you give him a shot at living in our world, you cannot sadly make this your decision alone, he knows the truth now, therefore giving him a choice in this as well, f he wants to risk it, then the last decision comes to you, if not, then there is no more room for contemplating." Yoongi spoke sincerely,

"you let me take a chance at being with a human? Why?" Namjoon spoke, shook at the words that left the black-haired males' lips.

"I can't stop you from loving someone, all I can to is warn you of what could happen and you already know what consequences this can have, don't think I haven't notice how little you've fed these past couple of months but as your oldest and best friend, I can't let you get stuck in past events, you deserve a way to happiness to" Yoongi's voice of reason spoke before disappearing into the night. Leaving a still shocked Namjoon to think over the advice, knowing just how tragic his friends love life had been.

He let a heavy sigh escape his lips as he kept staring into the moonlight, preparing himself for the many encounters he needed to face. 


Ello readers! 😊

This chapter is more of a filler/ history of how the vampires in this au is like, if anything seems confusing, please let me know.

The story is going to take a bit of a darker turn in the next few chapters to come, just giving you a heads up if that makes you uncomfortable

But anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you all soon! 😊

Yours tonight [NamJin]Where stories live. Discover now