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Jin stared in to his friend's eyes once again, this time showing how afraid he was as the bloodred eyes stared back at him, he tried breaking away from the harsh grasp Namjoon held on his shoulders, but the other male wouldn't budge. The tears were inevitable now as they streamed down the scared male's cheeks, making him feel so defenceless in this moment, making the blonde male feel sad as he heard the fast heartbeat of the human trembling before him.

"please don't fear me Jin, I would never harm you, please know that" Namjoon's voice was calmer but still didn't ease the situation.

"H-how c-can I know that? Y-you're a-" Jin cut himself off, too scared to talk as Namjoons burning gaze left him speechless

"That I'm a what Seokjin?!" Namjoon didn't mean to be harsh, knowing how scared the human was in this moment but his emotions were all over the place, but he knew that frustration was what always clouded and disguised his own fear. The fear that Jin would look at him in such a different light, that he might even be too scared to see him again and he couldn't let that happen.

Yes, once more, he had broken his promise of not supposing to get close with a human but Jin was so different, he was a kind and humble human and he everything about him drew Namjoon in, he wanted him to be apart of his life, that much was clear but because of what he was, it shouldn't happen. But although he was coming to terms with his emotions towards Jin, it didn't mean anything in this moment as he needed to see a conformation in the humans eyes, a conformation to tell him to leave, to get lost, to just disappear out of his life, but all he got was silence and the tears never seemed to leave Jin's face.

With a sigh, Namjoon took a step forward, closing the distance between the two so that now they were only inches apart, he could feel the heat of his body and how fragile he seemed as he was shaking like a scared little puppy, and as he saw those pleading eyes, Namjoon felt the sadness and guilt rip at him

"Jin, I'm sorry, I just... i just want you to know that.... that I-"now it was Namjoon's turn to tremble as he didn't know how to make this situation better, how was he suppose to calm Jin down? Make him see that everything was fine when he was the cause of his current fear?

"Namjoon" the small voice of Jin's spoke, the fear was still there but he could see how hard it was for his friend not to break down. It was still scary and new to him and he knew that with time, he might come to terms with it, Namjoon had saved his life after all. But for now, he wanted information and truth.

"why did you save me?" was all he could manage to say as images of earlier that evening flashed before him.

"because I care about you, more than you know" was all the blonde said as his breathed fanned against Jin's lips, he had been so caught up in fear and his own thoughts, he hadn't taken the time to register how close the two now were until this moment. He felt his heart beat faster yet again, but not out of fear this time.

"b-b-but i-m j-just a h-h-human in your eyes, w-what makes me s-so s-special t-to you?" Jin managed to stutter out, in both confusion and the tingling aftertaste of fear evident in his voice.

"because you're changing me, you make me feel more human that I've ever felt since the day i-" this time, Namjoon showed a face of pain, making Jin even more confused, but he soon took a breath and glanced into those golden brown eyes once more.

"you're special Seokjin because you have managed to make me, a cold blooded bloodsucking beast of the night, feel human again and not only that, but I've come to treasure you as a close friend as well, I care about you, more than you know and I want you to be a part of my life" Namjoon backed away from Jin, leaving him confused yet a bit warm at Namjoons words.

"why didn't you reveal yourself to me earlier? is it some secret code or is it just fear of human reactions?" the outburst of the sudden curiosity left Namjoon shook as he stared back at a now intrigued Jin.

It had now hit Jin that the fear of his friend was gone, what was stuck was a willing mind to understand and that's what Jin wanted, he wanted to know more about Namjoon now that he knew that his friend was indeed a vampire.

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