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The blasting sound of music echoed out through the nightclub as the blinking lights flickered in different neon colours, the never ending circle of a lively drunk party life was drowning the environment around Jin as he served some drinks to a group of ladies who continued to flirt with him, trying to seduce him but walked away with their drinks in hand once realising he didn't seem interested and frankly, out of it, he wore a blank expression, to lost in thoughts to care for the loud and crowded environment he worked in.

"hey Jin!" Rowoon snapped his fingers to drag Jin's attention. Jin simply looked up at his friend, confusion written all over as the only noise to leave his lips were a simple 'huh' which only made Rowoon sigh in announce.

Jin had been in deep thoughts filled with confusion, worry and sadness for the past few weeks. Ever since the night he'd been attacked, Namjoon had seemed to be gone off the face of the earth, he wasn't answering his calls or texts, he never showed up at the club or anywhere else the two would normally hang out and he couldn't remember where that mansion he'd woken up in were either, it's like he'd just vanished.

That awoke his worry, yet the thoughts of 'what if's' had awoken, making him see various scenarios were Namjoon had only pretended to be his friend and was using him until he could kill him just like the others had tried too, those thoughts awoke his sadness, even though he hadn't known the vamp for long, he was starting to realise that he might actually have feelings for him, which only awoke confusion, he knew very little of him and yet there was something that loured him to the vampire.

All this thinking only made his brothers worry and because of that, guilt was built up as he knew he had to lie to his brothers, knowing it'd be to dangerous for them to know and therefore not allowing them to help with the issues he currently had, that had put him in an emotional depression since he had none he could talk to about all this. He could talk to Hoseok but he would not believe him in the vampire part though and that made Jin think that maybe it had all been some weird dream.

"There's someone here to see you!" Rowoon whisper-shouted over the music, making Jin snap out of his deep thoughts as he immediately began scanning the room.

His eyes soon landed on a brown-haired male with almost yellow-like eyes stare at him with a small smirk resting on the corner of his lips as he gestured for Jin to come over, the man wore what looked like a very expensive costume in a dark-blue colour, he was definitely of high class and Jin could not help but despise those type of people as they never had any respect for people. Jin furrowed his brows in disgust and then sighed, not in the mood for another flirt.

"tell him I'm not interested" Jin whisper-shouted back to Rowoon before turning back to making another drink for a costumer.

"but it seems to be important! He says it's about that blonde dude you always hang with" Rowoon shouted back and Jin's eyes widened as he looked back over at the brown-haired male.

Jin was hesitant as the male was unfamiliar to him, even though, he made his way over to him with slow and hesitant steps. The aura given from this man was very much like the typical flirts that come up to the bar and flirt with him yet there was this mysteriousness given from him that reminded him of Namjoon. Once he came face to face with the man, he stopped, the man simply made a gesture for Jin to follow him to one of the back rooms which made Jin suspicious but the gesture and the way the man walked did not seem in any way sensual and so Jin got the feeling he was not here to mess around, although the everlasting smirk told otherwise.

"so, you're the famous Jin eh? I must say, Joonie's got taste" the man said with a chuckle as the two sat down on the red couch that lit up the dark room.

This room was usually a room for the stripers to take their costumers for a show, so it was never really a place for the bar staff, this made Jin a little uneasy. He looked at the man with confusion, the man's voice was deep and the chuckle that left his lips made Jin shiver as his imagination was now making him scared. Was he a vampire to? Did Namjoon talk about him? Jin just sat silent as he tried reading the man for any signs, he wasn't sure what to say to this man either, if he was a vampire, he didn't want to tick him off.

"why so quiet? Afraid I'll bite?" the man spoke with another chuckle, this time you could see a small glimpse of his fangs and Jin's eyes widened as he jumped in his seat.

"w-what d-do y-you want?" he stuttered as he tired to not feel intimidated by the yellow eyes staring at him.

"ah! He speaks, a delicate voice to I see, gosh! Joonie got lucky didn't he? What sweet moans he'd get out of you, I'm jealous" the man wore a pout and you could hear the playfulness in it, it made Jin confused but as he took in what he said. A blush made it's way onto his face.

The man thought he and Namjoon was intimate like that? Or was he just joking around? It was hard for Jin to understand the mans motive. He seemed like jokester, his expression made it clear that he was teasing Jin yet his posture and almost glowing yellow eyes, gave off his serious aura. This frustrated Jin as it only seemed as he was wasting his time with this man.

"who are you and what do you want?!" Jin spoke, a bit more confident in his voice as the serious vibe given from the man didn't seem so serious anymore.

"you're no fun, can't even take a joke! Ugh whatever, the names Kim Taehyung and my leader sent me here to ask if you'd be willing to help, Namjoon's condition is... let's just say it isn't the best and I think you can help change that" the man spoke, a bore tone to it, as if he didn't actually want to be there.

Once again, Jin was left in confusion but a hint of worry soon crept up on his face as once he'd taken in what Taehyung said.

"condition?" is all Jin manages to say, not entirely certain what else to say as he was now beyond confused.

"yes, he has a condition, what? you don't think us vamps can be sick or something?" Tae asked, annoyance building up.

Taehyung was a man with little patient, mysterious guy with a love for teasing others and usually came off as a playboy type guy but in all, he just didn't find humans that interesting. He knew though that if humans were good at something it was giving others confidence and reassurance when they were in desperate need of it, as for Namjoon, he'd always said he felt and wanted to feel more human again and so a simple action like that might have a possibility to help, that was the rationally that Tae had, that and he was just fed up with the constant growls and screams, his sensitive ears were never given a rest and it pissed him off.

"I-I didn't m-mean to offend you" Jin began, feeling slightly anxious over the annoyed expression clouding Tae's face before he continued speaking, "but yes, I'll try my best to help, though, I don't know how, what can a human like me do to help a vampire?"

Taehyung's face light up and then that sheepish grin he had when the two first made eye contact returned. A chuckle left his lips and he soon stood up, adjusting his costume before turning to Jin and giving him a simple gesture for him to follow.

"How about you come to the mansion and find out?" Tae finally spoke, his voice giving a tint hint of a tease but Jin barely thought any of it as he stood up slowly and followed the brown-haired male out of the room and back out to the load music and drunk people.

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