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With a tired and painful groan, Jin opened his eyes, at first, it all was just a white blur, then after a few blinks, he started to see normally again. He saw grey walls and a darker shade of it covering the roof, there was medical equipment everywhere, it felt and looked very similar to a hospital room.

"You're awake, good" an unfamiliar voice spoke, making Jin jerk his head to the side.

There stood a black-haired shorter man with very pale skin, he wore a simple black shirt with some ripped jeans, he looked almost as if he just arrived from a fancy dinner of sorts, minus the apron clothed over him, He stared at Jin with a blank expression, making Jin feel a bit uneasy.

"W-who are y-you?" He stuttered as he tried to sit up but regretting moving as soon as a huge ball of pain hit his neck, making it harder to breath.

"You should move slowly, your body is still recovering from the bite and a good amount of blood loss" the man spoke, ignoring Jin's question as he started prepping a syringe with see through liquid that Jin could only assume to be some sort of morphine.

"Blood loss...? Blood loss?!"  Jin shouted as he managed to stand up as a rush of energy flew through his body, the images of the attack came flashing back and made his heart rise in panic.

"Where the fuck am I?! How long have I been here?! Where's Namjoon?!" He shouted at the stranger who seemed unfaced by Jin's little panic rush.

"He's in his room resting, you are in the mansions hospital room, you lost a lot of blood when Namjoon fed of off you, and the wound on your neck might take some time to heal but you should recover just fine. Now be still, I'm giving you some morphine to help you deal with the pain" the man said as he walked over and grabbed a hold of Jin's arm.

As the man touched Jin's arm, he could feel the same cold shiver he got the first time he had been touched by Namjoon, it clicked quickly to him that this man was a vampire too, making the situation a bit more uneasy to Jin. He watched with cautious eyes as the man removed the needle from his arm and walked across the room to check some papers on a table close to the door of the room.

"You're a vampire to?" Jin asked after a few minutes of silence, observing the man as he checked through files and equipment.

"Yes" Was all the man answered as he turned and walked towards Jin again. This time holding a small box and some tissues.

He put the things down on a small nightstand beside the bed Jin had sat himself down on again once he realised This vampire posed no threat in the coming moment. The vampire opened the box and revealed a see-through liquid. He padded a tissue in the liquid and then moved his hand to the side of Jin's neck, Jin quickly realised it was to treat the wound on his neck and so, he let the vampire do his work without protest. After a few more silent minutes, the man removed the tissues and put the small box down in a bag. The man then proceeded to hand the bag over to Jin before putting in a folded paper in the bag as well.

"Take this with you home and make sure to apply every morning for the next 14 days, it'll help the wound heal better, there's a paper with further instruction on how you can patch it up, never leave it open after you've cleaned it " the man said as Jin gave him a questioning look about the bag in his hands.

"you're a doctor?" Jin questioned as he placed the small bag down on his nightstand.

"I was once" the man answered.

"what do you do now then?" Jin could see a hint of irritation on the mans face at all his questions but that was just the person he was, curious, and nervous, could you blame him?

He was litterly in a freaking mansion surrounded by possible hundreds of vampires! Okay, .that could be a stretch, Jin had only seen this man, Taehyung and Namjoon but he'd also only seen a small part of this mansion, so he didn't know how many vampires there was in this mansion and there didn't seem like there was, Jin wasn't sure but he had a feeling.

As the man turned his back on Jin and started looking through some papers, Jin took a breath and stood up on slightly wobbly legs, he still felt a bit lightheaded, but it was starting to fade, however, as he was a clumps fellow, he soon lost his balance, only to fall straight into the nightstand, with a small yelp, he closed his eyes to embrace the impact, only to be met with something cold.

"careful, you need to take it easy, as I said, you're suffering from blood loss, you're going to feel lightheaded for a while" the man spoke as he was now holding Jin in his arms, helping him stand up properly.

"Sorry" Jin spoke softly, feeling small under the vampire's gaze.

The mysterious man didn't respond, he kept the unreadable expression as he just helped Jin stand properly and once he was certain that the human had a good enough footing to stand properly, he he went to remove the apron from his waist, seeming like he was paying no mind to the human as he started looking threw some files.

The silence fell back over them as Jin slowly worked on his balance, if the vampire wasn't going to be talkative, Jin wasn't going to waste the little energy he had on him so he continued to work on regaining his balance and after a few minutes, he'd achieved the goal  of walking normally, letting the overtired human make a small victory dance for not feeling like a drunk person anymore and for being too bored. He heard a small snort and turned around to see the vampire staring at him with a small tint of amusement.

"I can walk properly..." Jin spoke like an innocent child.

"So, I see, anyhow, I assume you would like to freshen up a bit and maybe eat something to regain some energy. Take the stairs to the right, follow the left corridor until you reach a blue door, and make yourself at home" the man said and turned to continue with his paperwork.

"thank you nim (Sir/Miss/Ms/Mr)" Jin spoke as he opened the door to leave the infirmary.

"Suga" was the last word Jin heard as he turned to ask what the man had spoken, only to get the door in his face.

With anangry pout and lots of swearwords, Jin stumbled along in the mansion, rubbinghis nose in pain. Meanwhile the vampire just shook his head at the human,silently allowing an acceptance for the human to creep into mind.

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