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Suspicion, worry, anger and confusion were what was running threw Jungkook as he cautiously spied on his oldest brother. It had been little over two weeks since Jin had come home from whatever accident he'd been in. he had said that there was a bear attack and that he was recovering fine, but Jungkook could see through the lies way to easily.

When a handsome young man had come knocking on their door, telling them that Jin had been in a accident but would be home soon, Jungkook had immediately requested to know where Jin was so he could go to him, but the man refused to let them know and vanished like the wind moments afterwards, thus, lead Jimin to have a panic attack the same evening and leaving Jungkook to help him out while at the same time trying not to have a panic attack himself. Once Jin had arrived home, he had a huge bandage around his neck, as well as a broken wrist and he looked exhausted. This made his brothers undoubtedly suspicious, especially when their brother had simply played it off like nothing and gone straight to bed.

So over the past two weeks, Jungkook had monitored his older brother like crazy, he had also made sure to get Jimin out of the house by telling Hoseok of the situation and having him convince Jimin to come with him on the business trip to Japan that he had planned with his company, sure, this made Jin a bit upset, especially since it was all arranged in secret, but when he saw that Jimin really wanted to go he had losened up and let it be.

"I'm heading to work! I'll be home by 3.00am as usual, don't stay up to late! Bye!" Jin shouted as he got dressed and walked out the door.

"okay! Take care, bye!" Jungkook shouted from his bedroom.

Once he heard the door shut, he immediately darted up from the bed to get dressed. A thing that had become normal for him now, was to follow Jin to the station, making sure he got to work alright. It may sound creepy, but that was the worry in him talking, he had also noticed that the weird bandage Jin had on his neck, was covering up what he could only describe as a bite mark that looked nothing like a bear bite, he did his research, no judging. As well as Namjoon-hyung had stopped coming by, he and Jin had become very close in only a few months and Jungkook found it odd to suddenly have him disappear, so one night he had decided to do some research on the mysterious man, even that had turned out suspicious, but in the end, he had found out that Namjoon worked at one of the richest, oldest and most famous companies in the world, Min industries.

It had taken the 20-year-old by surprise, but it gave him an idea, that he hoped could help him lead to some clues as to what was going on, so here he was, dressed up in the neatest, yet casual clothes he could find in his wardrobe and was now ready to walk through the doors to the luxurious company in the dims of the sunset.

"Annyeonghaseyo! (hello) Welcome to Min Industries, how can I help you?" A woman asked with a bright smile and bowed her head lightly as the young boy walked up to the front desk.

"Annyeonghaseyo!" the boy bowed to the woman politely before straightening his posture to give her his signature bunny smile. "I'm here seeking Kim Namjoon, is he here today?"

"one moment" The woman said, a raised brow and suspicion written on her face as she tapped in something on the keyboard, within seconds she turned back to the young man.

"unfortunately, Kim Namjoon doesn't take meetings today, but if you wish to leave fan-mail, you can always go down to the post office like everyone else" she spoke, he facial expression giving way an annoyed aura.

He statements shook Jungkook, he had in his research found out that Namjoon was found very attractive to many and the boy would be wrong if he didn't agree, but he had found no research making him a celebrity, Unless being a good businessman counted?

"Oh, I'm not here on fan errands, I'm here because of personal errands, if you could just give him a message that Kim Jungkook is here to see him, I'm sure he'll accept a meeting" the boy asked politely.

"Sorry kid, he's not available, come back in a few weeks or so and I'll see if there's anything we can do, but for now I wish you a good day" The woman was trying to remain nice, but the impatience and annoyance was showing.

Her words made Jungkook's heart sink. He couldn't let his brother be down and secretive anymore, he knew Jin wouldn't tell him what was going on and he could tell his brother was not feeling well, either, he also knew that if Namjoon wasn't available there was nothing he could do, but he needed answers. Then the memory of the handsome man came to mind.

"Wait! Isn't there someone else I can talk to? Someone that knows Namjoon and can help me get through a message? Its really important" by now, Jungkook had dropped the politeness and was showing parts of how desperate he was. But how was he to know there was only one other person in this company that knew Namjoon as well as he was suggesting?

"I'm sorry, the only one with the contacts available to transfer a message like that is Min himself and he is far too busy to deal with young boys, I can tell you're in distress  but there's nothing more I can do" the woman showed the small hint of sympathy but still kept the annoyance clear in her tone as she spoke to the young boy.

Jungkook stood shook. How high connections did Namjoon have? again, the research had only shown that he worked at the company, not what he did or how he started his famous career there. He didn't want to start an argument, he knew that there were very high standard people and security here, if he wanted a chance to see Namjoon, he needed to be cautious. Suddenly, the woman's earpiece started beeping, indicating a message was incoming.

"yes? Oh Min-nim, Annyeonghaseyo, oh of course, yes, I'll have a guard escort him right away" As she spoke, she looked suspiciously at the boy but gave of an aura that showed that she was intimated by who she was talking to. And as she kept talking, he figured out it was Min himself. Once the call ended, she stood up and waved a guard over.

"Min Suga wants to see this kid, will you please escort him to his office?" she asked the guard. Shocking both Jungkook and the guard.

"Of course Soyeon, have a great evening" The guard spoke and then nodded a polite goodbye before asking for the young boy to follow.

With hesitant steps, Jungkook followed. As he walked through the luxurious building, he noticed the cameras, many of them seemed to follow his moments, indicating he was watched by who he presumed to be Min-Suga. That thought made him uneasy, why would he want to see him? Yes he had asked to speak with him regarding Namjoon, but to be so fast and simple in accepting to see him felt... odd.

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