Chapter 10

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"So, who are we meeting today?" The doctor says.
"We're unsure." Valerie says. "We seem to have allowed our children to name each other and it works well. But Finnley was named after spongebob.. so.. there's that."
    The doctor laughs. "That's actually really cute. I would like to have children one day but I'm still in search for my sweetheart."
"Took me nearly 1500 years." Valerie smiles when she looks to me.
"You have a very wide fan base. If Ninfa hadn't taken your heart, I'm sure you'd have lots of suitors lined up."
"One woman for me."
"Alright, my lord. This is going to be a tad bit cold."
    He puts the gel on her bare stomach. She slightly cringes to the feeling which makes me smile. Her hand squeezes mine in the process.
"Okay. More than a tad bit."
"It's fine."
"I..I'm terrified, Ninfa."
"I know, baby. I know." I bring her hand to my lips and kiss my rings. "It will be alright."
"I trust you..."
    Silence fills the room before we hear the heartbeat. It's nice to hear outside of just our senses. I love it.
"Do you wish to know the sex?"
"Yes." I say. Valerie looks more and more nervous.
"Your son looks very healthy."
"Son? It's a boy?"
"Yes. He's a healthy baby boy."
    I can't help myself from smiling like an idiot. Our son. He will be a perfect addition to our family.
"Okay, my lord. All done. Congratulation for your son."
    We take our leave. The kids are all in their room, video gaming it seems.
"Are we going to tell them?"
"Yeah. Though Emma should be told tomorrow. Let her sleep."
"Alright. I'll get Finnley and you get the girls?"
    I go to Finnley's room and knock on the door.
"Come in."
    I peak in. "Hey. We have a family meeting that needs to happen."
"Is it about the baby?"
    We all meet up in the kitchen. "Wanna bet Finnley goes crazy?"
"No. Cause I know he will. I'm not crazy enough to take the risk of losing, Nin. Sorry."
"Fine. Fine."
"Is everything okay with the baby?" Dakota asks.
"The baby is fine. He's healthy." Valerie says.
"HE. OH MY FUCK YES." Finnley yells.
    It makes me shrink just as much as it does Valerie. Dakota is in accepting smile. Charley is same.
"Well. Okay then. I'm going to bed. I'm tired. Congrats mom." Finnley says and runs off. ...okay?
    Charley and Dakota run off after he does. I take Valerie's hand and blink to our room.
"Too lazy for stairs?"
"Maybe. Or maybe I can feel how tired you are."
    She climbs in bed with a long sigh. "Yeah. I didn't realize how much energy being pregnant and working would be. I didn't think it would consume any energy at all, honestly. In a way, I have a limitation meter again."
"Then maybe actually limit yourself? I don't want you overstressing. It's not good for our son."
    She pulls me into her arms as soon as I climb into bed. "I might have a problem though, Nin."
"I forgot to take off my jeans. And I may or may not be far to lazy to do it."
"Oh. You are going to use me."
"Not use. No. Not use."
"Uh-huh. Sure."
    I get up and undress myself. Then help her undress. I can tell she's too tired to be sexual and I'm okay with it.
"Don't think I've forgotten. I'll tease, taunt and love you all back. Not tonight. I too tired." She says as if reading my mind, but she didn't cause I would feel it.
"I know you're tired. You should really let Finnley help out more. You seem to grow more tired with each day that passes when pregnant."
"Well, I guess. Today, I healed Cody."
"Why? Is she okay?"
"Yeah. She allowed me to use her as a dummy. I taught Finnley how to do stitch work in case of emergencies."
"Oh. How did he do?"
"He did pretty good. Not as perfect as mine but definitely good enough to save lives if necessary."
"You've got a lot of experience with stitch work."
    She sighs. "Yeah. I know. I remember the first time I had to do it. I think I was like 12. 12 or 14. Lucifer came down with a hellhound tooth and stabbed it into my side. I just remember squeezing the poison out and tearing apart my ragged clothing to use as a tie. Then got the idea of stitching myself. It was sloppy the first few times but stopped the bleeding."
"I hate when you talk about your past. Or ever relive it. I fucking hate it."
"I'm sorry. It doesn't bother me anymore. It's just interesting to teach someone how to stitch. I taught you. Now our son. It's just interesting."
"It's just heartbreaking. You were so young. You didn't deserve that."
"Yeah but look where I am now. My wife, our kids, our unborn on the way. I have a world I created. I am God and Satan. I've come so far. And I believe all of it is because of you."
    I lightly kiss her cheek before curling up in her arms. "It wasn't all me."
"Even if it wasn't, I'm still thankful I found you."
    She kisses my forehead. I can feel her slipping away. Falling asleep. She's so mesmerizing sometimes.
"What do you think Emma would name him?"
"I don't know. Just hope it's not after spongebob."
"I doubt so."
"Can I still wear a tux at our wedding? Is that a thing you'll let me do? Or do I have to wear a dress?"
    I laugh lightly. "You can wear a tux. Though you may need the pants refitted."
"Did you just call me fat?"
"You did. You called me fat. You actually did."
    I can't stop my laughter. "NO."
"Your laughter says otherwise."
"NOOOO." I can't stop. I'm nearly in tears.
"You're so mean." She pouts. So fakely though.
"Hey. Babe. Now you know how I felt. I felt so fat."
"Imma be fat. I don't like being cubby. I work out hard for a reason."
"30 minutes of workout a day isn't that hard."
"Plus each hour we have sex. I work out."
    I find myself blushing. "Sure.."
"You're cute when flustered."
"And you still have that effect on me after all this time."
"Getting you to blush is easy though. Most times you don't even notice you are."
    That's not true. I do notice. And it's a lot more than you'd think.
"It's cute."
"It's not."
"It is to me, Nin."
     I sigh. "Whatever you say, babe."
"I was so scared today." She says in quiet voice. Almost as if she doesn't want me go hear it.
"I know but you did great. Though I didn't really like the whole thing the doctor did. Saying you'd be picking up lovers all over. Or even the fact that she kept staring at you like you were fresh meat and she needed to feed her sexual appetite."
"Maybe a little."
"You know that you're the only one for me. I felt awkward with her saying that too. And her looking at me like that. But what am I to do?"
"I know. It's okay."
"Do you forgive me for being scared?"
"There's something to forgive? It would be yes but I don't think you did anything wrong."
"Do you forgive me for being tired? Overusing my powers?"
"Yeah, I do. You're bound to over use your magic in certain cases when you shouldn't. It's just who you are."
"I try for everyone else's happiness instead of mine, you know?"
"Yeah, I know."
    She kisses my forehead. "Do I keep you happy?"
"Of course. More than happy. I love my life, what you have given me."
"And I'm going to make sure that you always have what you need."
"And all I need right now, is for you to relax and not stress and rest."
"I could do all those. Right now. Right now."
    I lightly kiss her cheek. She starts to fall asleep. And I fall with her.

    I wake to Valerie running out of bed into the bathroom. My heart races quickly to the sound. I pull her hair back quickly.
"Val.. Are you doing alright?"
     She pulls away from the toilet. I grab a rag and gently clean her up.
"I.. I.. I think it's morning sickness?"
"It will be okay. It will be alright. I'm here."
"I don't like this."
"It will be okay. You just need to not stress. Don't overwork today. Let Finnley help you out."
"I don't like this feeling." I see tears form in her eyes.
"Hey, it's okay. I went through this too."
    I actually feel her shake in my arms.. she's so scared that she is shaking.
"Valerie, listen. It's okay. It will be okay. I promise. It happened with me."
    She turns in my arms and hides herself in my embrace. I have never seen her so sensitive.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry. It's okay. I'm here, we will be okay."
"I should have listened to you..."
"It's okay. We will be okay."
"I love you. You still love me?"
"Of course. I love you so much, Val. It will be okay."
    I help Valerie get ready for work and she helps me. She clings on close to me up until it's time for them to go to work and for me to go to school.
"Val, I love you. Just take it easy today. Just take it easy."
"Okay. I will try. I will. I love you too."
     I'm worried. But I trust her with Finnley protecting her. I can't help but worry anyway.

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