Chapter One: The Beginning

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Max was playing Monster Hunter Generations as always with Eve and Matt, his friends (Max and Matt lived on the same street in Bronxville, Eve lived in Glasgow). They were hunting a Gore Magala with Rook, Max's character. By the time he had finished, it was six o'clock, and he said "Good night." to them both.

During the night he heard a shrieking cry almost that of a Great Maccao, he thought he was hearing things, so he just rolled over in his smelly teenage bed and went back to sleep.

The next day there were police at his neighbour's house. His neighbour was an eighty-year-old lady with no grandchildren or husband; he had died in the Vietnam War and she had been a widow ever since.

The police said "It was a wild animal attack", but even they thought that the damage was too much to be that of a dog or a cat. Whatever it was, it went for her throat!

There were also deep and bloody claw marks on her bony chest but the thing the police couldn't understand was the scaly feathers they found. Some were green and some were yellow.

Max then thought about the night before, he remembered hearing a penetrating noise, then it hit him! It was a Great Maccao!

He thought it was a stupid idea - a virtual creature killing an old lady – nonsense!

He went back into his chalk-white house, into his room and started playing Monster Hunter with Eve and Matt.

Max was chatting to them about what happened, they were very shocked. Even Matt thought that it was a weird coincidence that Max had heard a Great Maccao and then the following day a person had been killed.

Nothing further happened until September a month later.

There was a quick but devastating avalanche at Mount Everest. The survivors said that they had heard a loud bellowing call echoing throughout the mountains. The noise was so incredibly loud that people at the bottom of the mountain heard it. They also got a photograph of the creature walking slowly away over the snowy mountain and the survivors said that it had blue and red fur?! When the news was reported the world went crazy.

People were saying on the internet it was a Gammoth from Monster Hunter but nobody believed them.

Then in the Amazon Rainforest people said they heard metal being scraped. They also said they saw polished rocks that had been used for sharpening a blade of some sort...

In a quiet village in Japan, they said that they could see bubbles of different colours from a slow-moving waterfall that rarely ever got restless. They also said that all of the good fishing spots had lost their fish...

On a small patch of moorland in Devon farmers said that their livestock was being killed and eaten! They also reported that parts of the moors had wasp-like insects laying on the floor dead but they were bigger than normal...

All of the world's leaders called for a global meeting to see who was behind the mysterious events and to investigate these strange happenings.

It didn't end well. The team in Mount Everest were found dead covered in heavy piles of snow. The people in the Amazon Rainforest were burnt and sadly found dead. The people in the quiet village in Japan were all blinded. Then the people in Devon were electrocuted and the same bugs were found nearby.

Max was watching all of this on the news, when he heard a spine-chilling scream, it was his Mum!

He ran into his back garden and there was a Great Maccao! Sadly he was too late to save his Mum who was hanging the washing. He picked up a steak knife (from the kitchen) and ran towards the Great Maccao, screaming "I WILL KILL YOU!" but the Great Maccao saw him coming, and it lunged fiercely towards him.

Max dodged the massive bird-like creature, and ran towards it and did an upper-cut with the knife. The Great Maccao fell heavily onto the floor, Max jumped on its back and started to stab it while sitting astride its scaly body. The monster fell with a thump.

It was dead! Sadly it did not come down easily, Max had taken a beating and he had also lost his Mum in the process.

Max took a photo and he posted it on Facebook. The post said "Oh my god, the rumours are real, this Great Maccao just killed my Mum!" but nobody believed him.

One of his other neighbours, who didn't like Max, heard all of what had happened and phoned the police. They arrived at his house in one big van a few moments later.

The police came and they saw the blood on him and on the blood ridden knife. They then took him to the nearest station on suspicion of murder.

The Police officer aggressively asked, "Tell us why you did it?!" Max then said, "I'm telling you the truth!" The Police Officer still didn't believe him.

Max, to death it all happened so quickly. The only people who could save him were his friends, but even they thought sadly that he may be guilty.

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