Chapter Three: Cha-Cha.

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Meanwhile, in Britain, Eve was in her room, listening to some 'Fall Out Boy'. A lot of people called her weird, because of the way she looked; she would wear band names and talk in a dark manner. One of her most famous sayings was "Monster Hunter, is the only thing that keeps me going!" Since Max was sentenced to death she was even more down than ever.

At the same time, something noisy was happening on her street. At night people heard two people arguing loudly over a mask or something and bins were being raided and bits of food was found on the road and in the trees.

One night Eve had had enough! She hadn't slept for days, so she picked up her father's hunting rifle that had been her Grandfathers and was well polished, and walked into the dark starless night.

It was half an hour until she saw a small acorn lying down on the ground. It almost looked like the acorn had been hit. She was about to pick it up when she heard a squeaky voice saying "Hey, Chum-chum, leave that mask alone, that mine!" Eve stood up and pointed the gun in all directions and fired a shot, the voice replied with "Chum-chum, don't be stupid head, chum-chum!" Eve then replied with "Show yourself, or I'll shoot again!" Eve was a crack shot, in Monster Hunter and in real life.

The voice crept out of the shadows, it was 'Cha-Cha' from Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Cha-Cha replied with "Yes-yes chum-chum it is I the great Shakalaka warrior! And please can you give me-me mask back?"

Eve threw the mask back to the Shakalaka kid, Cha-Cha popped it back on and started to dance he was singing - a weird noise that Eve couldn't understand.

Then a blue crab came near, he was Kayamba. Kayamba said, "It is I the great Shakalaka warrior minions!" When Cha-Cha heard him say it, he was mad and said: "Hey that is my title stupid head-head!"

The two brothers started fighting, slapping and taunting each other.

Eve then butted in and said, "Neither one of you are warriors, you're both cowards!" Both of the brothers started crying, hoping to get an apology from Eve, but she didn't apologize.

However, she did say "If ya two are here then, oh no that must mean, everything from Monster Hunter is here too!" The two Shakalaka brothers started to laugh saying "Minion is right silly thing-thing, she thinks that we can't handle monsters!"

Suddenly they heard the sound of a Nargacuga, the Shakalaka brothers ran behind Eve saying, "Please minion, save us now!" Eve pulled the gun from behind her back, and fired a round into the Nargacuga's face, "Bullseye!" she said. The bullet went right into the Nargacuga's eye, the noise startled it and it ran and flew off into the darkness.

"Phew," Eve said wiping the sweat from her face, she was trembling with fear of what had just happened. She suddenly passed out.

The next day, her parents woke up to see she was asleep, they saw two things that looked like a blue crab and an acorn and they decided to leave her alone in her bed.

When she woke up, the two brothers were in her face, poking and prodding her to make sure she wasn't dead, she said: "Thank Ya!"

The brothers started to talk about how they had struggled to carry her back home (whilst in reality they found a shopping trolley and threw her into that).

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