Chapter Two: The Cat

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A couple of weeks later Matt glimpsed something down an alleyway. It looked like a young cat, but when he got close he heard talking with the occasional "meow" or "purr". He was confused because the animal was standing on two legs, not on all fours. Then Matt called out saying "Hey, who's there?" the cat heard him and replied by saying "Nothing, just turn away and go home, meow" Matt walked closer and closer to the cat, the cat said, "This is ya last chance!" Matt then replied "Whatever! I know this is one of those hidden cameras shows mate!"

The Cat then turned and looked at Matt right in the eyes, with its stick drawn and claws out ready to attack him!

Matt realised at once what it was. He said "Hey! I know what you are a Palico!" The Cat replied with passion "No, I'm not! I'm a furrsome Meownster Hunter!"

Then suddenly the cat laid down on the light grey paving stones and started crying. Matt softly asked "What's the matter?" the cat replied with "Nothing, it's not like I'm the laughing stock, to my brothers and sisters..."

Matt sat down next to the Palico, stroking him gently the cat purred with affection. Matt then asked, "Hey, why don't ya come with me?"

The Cat said "Ok, I will!" then Matt said, "On one condition you'll help my friend get off death row!" The cat then replied with "Yes, I will!" Matt then decided to name the cat 'Angry', Matt and Angry ran to the police station straight away.

Matt called the Palico Angry because it reminded him of his Palico in Monster Hunter.

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