Chapter Twenty-Six: The Unknown One...

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Eve looked at her hand again, she had hoped it was a dream but it wasn't her hand was not there. Eve knew Matt, Felicia and Angry couldn't take on the Zamtrios by themselves. Eve grabbed some honey she had, mixed it in the potion, drank all of it rested her bowgun onto her knee and fired and flaming round into its face.

'SMACK' and 'BANG' went the bullets into the Zamtrios' fin. The Zamtrios saw Eve and stood still like and poised itself like a snake pointing in Eve's direction, then it started to run with its jaw on the floor towards Eve.

Not too far away...

"Huh, you see that? A flair coming from an Iceberg!" said ??? "Yeah I see it, it looks like some newbies need our help! But I ain't helping!" replied ??? then the man then looked over and saw his friend wasn't there.

Back at the cave...

"NO!" Matt yelled running after the Zamtrios, "Wait! Look!" Felicia said pointing at the top of the cave it was a person with some armour no-one had seen before, the figure then jumped down onto its back and successfully mounted it, "Is that a Great Sword?!" Matt asked, "Yes! I have heard people who use Great Sword are normally quite patient and quiet!" Felicia said running towards the Zamtrios then the Zamtrios fell with a thud.

The man then crouched with his Great Sword pointing towards the sky, then after a second or two he swung his Great Sword onto the Zamtrio's fin breaking the Zamtrio's fin after that he swung it around in a was dead. He killed it before Matt and Felicia even got there.

Eve then appeared from the cave, covered in dust and blood, "Jean are you alright?!" Felicia yelled. Eve said nothing as she limped towards the man with the Great Sword they shook hands and he ran off.

Matt and Felicia got there just seconds after he ran off into the snow storm. "Who was that man and why did you shake his hand?" Matt asked, "I was thankin' him of course!" Eve replied. "What about your hand? We won't be able to get back in time!" Felicia said sounding concerned, "We have bandages, purr." Angry replied while handing some bandages to Matt, "Let me do it!" Eve asked.

Matt handed the bandages to Eve. Eve then made a dressing while taking another potion. "AHHH!" Eve yelled in pain it was about five minutes until it was all covered.

They started to walk back to Wycam village, "It's going to be a few hours until we get back to Wycam but we are not too far!" Felicia said, "Ok, but we need to hurry. I fear for Jean's health!" Matt replied whispering to Felicia, "We'll get there soon enough, trust me!" Felicia answered.

The icy landscape looked beautiful compared to where Eve used to live (in the forest) but that isn't what made Eve keep walking. It was the idea of Max being taken by those men and them killing him even though Eve had no hand and she was in agonising pain, she kept on walking for Max.

Luckily no monsters tried to attack them nor did any come near, "Huh how weird normally there's pack of Blango's here" Felicia said, "Must've moved back to the bottom part of the mountain with that Zamtrios gone now!" Matt replied crouching down to the snow covered floor, "What ya seen...?" Eve asked trying to look at what Matt was looking at.

"It's these footprints and the melted ice. They look like they are from a group of hunters. I'm assuming they were wearing heavy armour and that they were using a Gunlance or some heavy, heat-related weapon!" Matt said touching the footprints and feeling the melted ice.

Eve stood up and started to panic, "No-No-No! Rook they're after him!" she said, "Who and why would they bring weapons?" Felicia asked, "This group of men, who had Gunlances want to find and kill Rook!" Eve replied still sounding panicky.

"Please don't worry, whoever they are. They won't attack someone in a village especially with other hunters in the village!" Felicia explained.          

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