Chapter Thirty-Three: The Beginning of the End.

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"Tonight, the foxes hunt the hounds." Eve was singing in the back of the steam-powered-machine looking at her 'hand'. It was late and the light of the moon was peering through a small mesh-window.

Eve then started to think about the recent events, Matt's death, losing her hand and what happened before the world went to hell.

"Whatcha doing?" Sheela asked, "Nothing...." Eve replied, "Why so glum?" Sheela questioned, "I'm worried about Max...I think he's going to go after Lance by himself..." Eve explained, "With Felicia there, he won't!" Sheela softly said and then suddenly! 'BANG' the whole train stopped, Sheela and Eve went flying forwards into some boxes.

They both quickly picked themselves up and ran towards the front of the train.

'BANG' went the front door as Sheela slammed it open. Luckily Tinkerer was safe and unharmed but right at the front of the train there was a hole, a fist looked like it punched through.

"It's the Rajang! It is back..." Tinkerer sternly said, "I'll deal with it!" Sheela replied readying her Light Bowgun. Before anyone could stop her she jumped out and started to fire a stream of bullets into the Rajang's face.

The Rajang let out another horrendous cry (like that one from the other week) and then silence...

"NO!" Eve yelled. Why? Because Sheela was dead, the Rajang threw her and that was it...

"Grab onto something!" Tinkerer yelled firing up a cannon for something. Sparks started ping around the inside of the metal train-machine, suddenly Tinkerer said: "Close your eyes!" Eve closed her eyes, she heard a loud bang, then the Rajang roaring and then finally silence...for permanent.

"Sheela....." Eve said saddened, "Why-WHY didn't ya help 'er! You're no different than the people who you hide from!" Eve asked with tears rolling down her eyes...

"Look I would have...but the-the Rajang..." Tinkerer said sounding terrified, "Yeah, what about it!? You were scared of it! 'hats what you're saying!" Eve questioned walking slamming her metal fist against the door Sheela jumped out of, "No! I could hear it speak....and I could feel its rage! Tinkerer said walking towards a chest on the right side of the room.

Tinkerer opened the chest and showed Eve what was inside of the chest. It was a tablet like the one Max had and the one that turned the man insane, "This here is the Cortex Piece! This thing the links our world with the Monster Hunter world! There should be three of these beauties!" Tinkerer said lifting it up in the air.

"Wait, three of them?! Max has one, you have one and who is the other?" Eve asked tilting her head to the side, thinking. "A man called Lance." Tinkerer answered, "No, Max! We need to get to Wycam quicker!" Eve replied pacing around in circles.

Tinkerer knew why she was so worried. Why? Because he could hear Max's and Lance's thoughts.

"People who are in the precession of a Cortex Piece, get powers. The one I have is the first piece that means the user can hear others thoughts (Tinkerer), the second gives the user a knowledge of the world and makes them want more (Lance) and the last piece gives the user uncontrollable power and rage, that can match Niohantta (Niorh-hant-ta the pronunciation for the Elder Dragon)." Tinkerer explained.

"So a god?!" Eve asked, "Yes, this 'Monster' is classed as an actual god, by the Guild. The one who started this terrible event!" Tinkerer answered.

A couple of hours later they started to see snow but they both knew it would still be a day or two before they got to Wycam!

Meanwhile in Wycam...

Max was sat on the same bench as before when he heard a voice, "Max sir, we've got word about Lance! He's in the cave, the one you said he'd be in!" the young Scoular explained, "Ok, I'll go and confront hi-!" but before Max could finish Felicia came from behind the Scoular saying, "No, you won't! You're staying here!" Max just looked at her, he was about to walk off when, "So, this is your legacy? Revenge, murder and hatred?!" Felicia replied grabbing him by the shoulder.

Max just brushed Felicia off and walked to his house preparing for the final fight with Lance.

"So will we stop him?" the young Scoular asked, "No, whatever he does now is none of our business, but he'll be going against official Guild rules! That can cost him his life..." Felicia said walking to her house, "Huh! A snowstorm?" the young Scoular said walking back into the Guild Hall.

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