Chapter Twenty-Five: Emergency.

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"What are we going to do?" Matt asked, "We stand here and fight!"* Eve said walking towards the edge, "We have no space nor the equipment!" Felicia said, "We do! The ocean!" Eve replied drinking loads of hot drinks "But it's freezing and the Zamtrios has the advantage in the water!" Felicia said.

Eve didn't listen, she jumped into the water and started swimming towards the Zamtrios, "We've gotta help Jean!" Matt said also drinking two or more hot drinks he too jumped into the ocean with Angry following. Felicia sighed and said "Fine..." and drank two or more hot drinks and then jumped in.

Underneath the waves it was also like a different world, then Felicia saw it the Zamtrios, its eyes changed to a red colour and started to swim around Matt. Matt's Kinsect couldn't go far underneath the water, but when the Zamtrios got near 'K-pow' went the Kinsect into its hide.

The Zamtrios then swam deeper, "Phew it has left us alone." Eve thought she looked at Matt it looked like he was trying to tell her something. Then she looked down and saw the Zamrtios swimming up rapidly. Eve thought she was going to die...

Eve shut her eyes and held her breath for the split second she thought she was going to die, Felicia fired her last explosive bullet into its eye...

It hit! But it didn't stop it made it swim up quicker! It was about to make contact....somehow it missed Eve! But it didn't mean she didn't get injured, she looked at her hand...but it wasn't there. The Zamtrios took it off the Zamtrios it was about to come back to finish her off...then everything went black...

"C'mon Jean, C'mon!!" Eve heard, her eyes then opened they were on a stony beach. Eve looked around to see if everyone was there Matt and Angry where fighting the Zamtrios still but Felicia was moving Eve into a cave shooting as they were walking back.

"Stay here Help will be coming!" Felicia said to give her, her Bowgun and a potion and then Felicia ran off to finish the fight.

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