Chapter Seventeen: "Who Even are You?"

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Eve stood up and she almost looked like she was going to cry, "Why-What has happened to you? WHO EVEN ARE YOU?!" she was saying while tears were pouring down her face.

Max stood up and started to walk towards Eve who now was on the floor crying even more than before. Max sat down next to Eve, Eve then mentioned about an attack that happened in Ukemo village, one person was killed another injured.

Before Eve could talk about it anymore, Cha-Cha and Kyamba came back running! "Kecha Wacha Village!" Cha-Cha said running around in circles, "True-true, it's attacking the village!" Kyamba said while also running around in circles.

"Let's go," Eve replied, Max nodded his head and they both started running.

By the time they got there the damage was done, no Shakalakas were left in the village nor was there a village.

"This Kecha will pay..." Eve said while falling to the floor, she expected Max to say something but when she looked at her Max wasn't there.

Max was chasing after the Kecha Wacha, he started to breathe heavily, his eyes turned back into black and red and his blade glowed the same red as before.

He found the Kecha eating some raw meat and then it saw him. It let another outrageous cry and started to run on all fours towards him.

Max dodged it with ease. This time he broke its ears in one swoop with his Long Sword. The Kecha pinned Max against a tree stump, Max started snarling like a Zinogre and grabbed his carving knife and pushed it into the Kecha's thin smooth skull.

It was dead. Max heard a girl calling his name that voice was Eve's. "MAX! MAX!!!" Eve yelled thinking Max was dead when she saw him walking towards the dead Kecha's body. She then saw him do something horrific, he started to cover his Longsword in its blood also as if he was sharpening it.

"He truly is an animal...." Eve said she also felt like a part of her died seeing a friend acting like a monster....

Max saw her. His eyes turned back into an ocean blue and suddenly he became aware of what he had just done. "Wait! Wait it isn't what it looks like!" Eve started to cry again and yelled "YOU'RE MONSTER! I SHOULD KILL YOU HERE AND NOW!" Max saw the fear in her eyes, "But-but I won't...." she replied.

Some men feel remorse and some don't, some show regret and some don't and then there's Max who used to. Now he shows no emotions he just keeps on causing pain. But how did a man like Max end up like this? For that answer, we need to look at his past.

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