Chapter Twenty-Seven: "Home, but How?"

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Matt, Eve, Felicia and Angry kept on walking for another half hour when they saw it the village it was only a couple of meters away.

"C'mon, we're nearly there." Matt said while Eve was resting on his shoulders, "My hand..." Eve said sounding tired and still in pain. Suddenly they heard a voice yelling "HERE! CHIEF! NOT MUCH FURTHER!" it was one of the guards who were in the watchtower that overlooked the landscape to make sure no monsters were coming too close to the village.

Then some of the hunters staying in the village came running out to help their injured comrades, "Wow...this is what unity looks like?!..." Eve said quietly.

All of the hunters picked up Eve and carried her back to the infirmary. Felicia and Matt were also helped, they both leaned on some hunters who help them get back to their houses.

Max came limping out of the infirmary just as Eve came back and saw what had happened, "They got home, but how and at what cost?" Max said to himself, "Oh my god!? Look at her hand!" said one of the ladies working in the infirmary. Max came walking over to get a better look, "You shouldn't be walking Rook!" the tallest lady said looking at Max.

Max kept on walking towards Eve and when he got there he saw the damage, "I told her not to go!" Max whispered to himself "Please sit Rook you shouldn't be straining your leg like this" the tallest lady explained to Max, "Fine...I'll sit." Max answered. Then he sat down and then he fell asleep.

That Night...

"We should never have tried to take the Zamtrios on with someone who had never fought in this region!" Felicia said, "We couldn't let that thing roam for any longer, it had to be killed!" Matt replied taking a drink of a metal trinket, "Anyway what do we do about these 'Hunters'?" Felicia asked.

"We let them take Rook and Jean, then they'll be someone else's problem!" Matt answered, looking at Felicia. Felicia didn't how to act she just stared at Matt, "Why don't I hand you in as well? Ya know for harbouring a wanted man!" Matt said standing by the door.

Felicia looked at Matt and said "HA! Like they'll believe a greenhorn than a chief!" Matt about pulled out his carving knife and for that second he looked away Felicia was gone, "DAMN IT!!" Matt roared.

Felicia ran into the infirmary locked it, "What's the matter, chef?" said one of the infirmary doctors, "Its Matt he's gone..." Felicia answered trying to get back her breath, "What do you mea-?" the lady was about to ask but then she heard screaming.

Felicia looked out of the window and said "They're attacking! The men from before the ones asking for Rook!" Felicia was right it had begun, the men who gave Max his broken leg were here but with a familiar face and more men this time....

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