Chapter Five: The Phone Call

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Matt then left the Police Station and went to a phone booth. He rang the number he had just been given.

The person who answered the phone said: "I knew you were going to ring me..." Matt then asked, "Who are you?" The man replied with "I'm part of the FBI..." Matt responded, "Ok, how are you going to get my friend out?" The FBI man answered, "Look to your left!" Matt then looked over and saw a person who was wearing a grey hoodie, it was Max!

Max was bloody and looked tired, the FBI man said: "Here, I've got a hotel for you both to stay in, it's on the other side of the road!" Then he put the phone down.

So he and Max checked into a modern, fancy looking hotel.

Max was bloody and looked tired, the FBI man said "Here, I've got a hotel for you both to stay in, it's on the other side of the road!" Then he put the phone down.

So he and Max checked into a modern, fancy looking hotel.

At the check-in desk, Max spotted a red sign which read, "No pets allowed!" Max prodded Matt and they remembered that they did actually have an animal with them and that was Angry!

Angry was still next to Matt, standing on two legs, luckily the check-in man was unable to see him.

They all looked at each other and had to think quickly, Max scooped up Angry from the floor and pushed him into his hoodie. The man behind the desk didn't notice what had happened and Max was able to smuggle Angry up to his room, on the second floor.

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