Chapter Four: The Talk

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Eve then remembered that Max was soon going to be killed. She packed her bags and travelled quickly to the airport, telling her parents before she went that she had worked there. (She was twenty and worked for travel agents.) They said, "You can go on one condition and that is you phone us when you get there!"

By the time she got to New York, she thought she was too late. She then saw Matt walking along with some boy wearing a grey hoodie, there was a cat in Matt's arms. The cat was wearing armour. As she ran towards them both, she recognised who the boy in the hoodie was, it was Max, but he looked different, he had cuts, bruises and a broken nose.

They all casually walked into the nearest abandoned building to talk about what had happened and to show who they had found. Eve showed Cha-Cha and Kayamba, Matt introduced them to 'Angry' and Max told them what he had seen. Eve then asked, "How did Max get out of prison?"

Two weeks earlier.......

Matt went to the local police station with Angry the Palico who he had just found in the dark alleyway. The same police officer who interrogated Max was on duty, so Matt asked to talk to him with his cat. The policeman thought it was a bit strange, but he let him take the cat in because Matt said: "It was evidence."

The police officer took Matt into an interview room and they talked about what had happened over the past few months.

Matt began the conversation with "I've got some evidence, about the murder that happened a couple of weeks ago and also the other one that took place a month ago!" The Police officer wearily replied with "Go on, tell me." Matt explained, "This cat is proof that something is happening to our world!" The police officer laughed and said "What rubbish, a cat, nonsense!" Then Angry said, "Is this rubbish, purr?" The police officer jumped out of his seat and screamed: "What the hell is that thing?!?" The talk lasted for an hour, words and information were exchanged.

By the end of the talk, the police officer believed Matt, but he did say, "You may have convinced me, but you are going to have a hard time telling other people that!" Matt replied, "I know, but that isn't why I needed to talk to you, I need you to tell me how I can get him out!"

The police officer gave him a phone number and said: "Ring this person they'll know!"

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