Chapter Ten: Gypceros.

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The hunt started with a hearty breakfast and a few drinks. The men slowly started to head out into the dark-gloomy-forest where the Gypceros was last seen.

They searched for an hour before Rook found something. It was some sort of yellow liquid, he drank a bit, and he then felt a sudden rush of energy so he filled up a glass to see what else would happen.

Rook then also found some Turkey like footprints and he knew Turkeys weren't around anymore so he started following them.

They led to a dark cave. At the entrance to the cave, he stopped and released a green tall smoke signal for the other two hunters to see. It was half an hour later by the time they got there but nothing had happened. Rook was sitting on a tree stump waiting for the two to arrive.

Both of the men were tired but were still able to hunt. So they went into the dark cave, walking into an unknown danger.

Inside the cave, it was pitch black. None of them could see so one of them lit a torch and as soon as they lit it, the Gypceros was there staring at them.

Rook drew his Long Sword, Rocky drew his hammer and so did Barbola, the two men ran towards the Gypceros, Rook yelled: "Wait!" The Gypceros did a three-hundred and sixty-degree turn before the men could move. 'BANG!' went the two men against the cave's wall. One was knocked out cold, the other one couldn't stand up.

Because Rook couldn't block he had to rely on his reflexes. He got two successful dodges, but then the two men stood up and started to attack without thinking. One of them hit Rook in the process, and his combos went and the long sword lost its power.

"What the hell..." Rook said with anger, he ran towards the Gypceros and started to attack it.

The Gypceros have rubbery hides which are able to absorb a lot of hits and their tails can be extended because of how much it's like rubber.

Rook knew that there was no point in aiming for the tail as well as the body, it was the head he needed to aim for so that it couldn't use its crest to blind them.

Suddenly the Gypceros started to get ready for a flash attack.

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