Chapter Fourteen: Rook?!

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It had been a whole day since they bought Rook's new gear but Rook still couldn't shake this feeling of being watched.

He and Lance started to talk about what to do now, "We should take on some quests." said Lance, "No, we need to investigate where those bullets came from!" Rook said finishing his drink. "Fine, but tell me why did you become a hunter?" Lance asked.

Rook stopped what he was doing, he put down his drink and answered, "Huh, I wondered when you were going to ask that." He said smiling a bit, "Well go on and tell me." Lance said sounding eager to hear what he was going to say.

It was at the moment Rook had to think of something quick! He was about to run out of the Tavern when he felt something sharp behind his back. It was a dagger and he knew if he tried anything he'd be badly injured or worse, killed.

"What do you want?" Rook asked Lance quietly so that no one could hear. Lance menacingly smiling replied, "You'll find out soon..." It was at this moment Rook felt the dagger going deeper into his skin, he was trying not to make any noises or flinches.

Then like a wild animal, he blocked out the pain, grabbed his carving knife and pushed it into the person's stomach behind him "AHHH!" the person shouted in a bloody cry. That was when Lance saw what Rook had done. Rook stood up with the dagger coming out of his back.

Sweat was pouring off Rook's face, blood coming from his back and Lance was terrified! It was at this moment Rook saw Lance and pulled the knife from his own back and ran towards Lance breathing deeply, almost like a wild animal!

Lance then shouted, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!?" Rook jumped onto Lance and whispered "Death...." Rook got ready to kill Lance, but then a voice came into his head "You've killed enough...leave him..." He nodded his head, stabbed Lance in the leg and ran back to where his gear was.

Rook stitched his cut, put on his armour and strapped his Long Sword to his back and then ran out of Ukemo Village and into the wilderness. He knew how very dangerous it was to go out at night by himself.

He looked back and said "Nothing! Good." It was at this moment Rook slipped down into a ditch. Luckily he carried some potions with him in his item pouch. As he quickly drank the green liquid he heard a little squeaky voice, "Minion, Minion! I found him-him!" A lady came walking over with a Bowgun on her back. She picked up Rook and said, "Yes it's him, it's Max!"

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