Chapter Nineteen: Guns and Men.

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Eve started to walk towards him but then she heard some men yelling and shouting. "Hide!" Eve said running into the bushes with Cha-Cha and Kyamba following her. Max saw some lances pointing skywards firing at a squadron of Remobra, they were from the Guild.

Max was about to go towards them but then he overheard what they were talking about.

It was about him, "C'mon lads let's find this time waster!" said one of the men, wearing chalk white Gravios armour with a massive Gunlance to match.

They looked for about five or ten minutes and the one with the Gravios armour said: " 'E said e'd be 'ere, that's wot the Guild Master sa'd!"

Max heard all of this while hiding in a bush just four meters away, he was trying not to get too close.

The men headed in the direction of the dead Kecha Wacha. Max knew that if they saw it more people from Guild would come.

That's when Eve stepped out in front of the three men with the Gunalances, "Wot are youse doin' 'ere?" the men said pointing at Eve, "Nothin' ya silly fool!" Eve replied, smiling, "Wel' o't of ours way!" the man was now getting angry. Eve had to think of something but it was this moment Max came out of the bushes.

"It's 'im, get 'im boys!" the man said aiming his gunlnce at Max, "Huh, you dumb idiots never learn. I'm the one they call Rook. You honestly think I'm scared of you?!" Max said looking the man in the eyes

The three men started to circle Max and Eve. Max drew his long sword and said "C'mon bring it!" it was at this moment one of the men charged up for a Wyverns' fire. Max pushed Eve out of the way, then a bright light appeared followed a hot explosion. Eve was thrown back by the shockwave (it was lucky she had her armour on), "Max? MAX!!!" she yelled running towards where the explosion took place but there was too much smoke for her to see.

Then a body fell next to her it was one of the three men and then Max appeared through the smoke, covered in blood and with a broken leg. "I...did...good?..." Max said before he collapsed onto the floor. Then the leader of the three men came over said "Step ba'k poppet! 'es a kil'er!" Eve looked at Max then the man and said: "And you're not?..." The man stared at Eve and replied with "'e 'ad no reason to kill! We do!"

Eve was about to walk away but then she remembered the good time they had before the murders and all the rest of it. Eve turned around and punched the man square in the nose. "Yo'r goin' regret that poppet!" He was about to attack Eve but then he stopped and yelled in pain "MY BACK!!" She then saw Cha-Cha and Kyamba attacking his back with stones and sticks. Eve picked up Max and ran off even further into the wilderness with Cha-Cha and Kyamba following. The last thing she heard the man say was, "I'll find 'u' and kil' 'u'!"

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