Chapter Twenty One: Frozen to the Claw.

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"Who's there?!" Max said while putting on his gear and drawing his Long Sword, "Purrthetic, c'mon boss! Meow!" Then the fast and large looking bug went zooming back to where it came from and a man came flying towards them with a stick of some sort and with the bug on his arm. He landed on Max and pointed the blade side to his neck and said: "Wanna go bud?!" Max started to snarl again like a Zinogre and his eyes went black and red.

"What's ya friend doing, missy?" The man said getting pumped to fight Max, "Who the 'ell you callin' missy ya wee boy. I'm older than and ya and more matured than ya!" Eve said yelling at the young man.

Max was then about to kick the man off him when the cat came and was about to start scratching Max's face but stopped and said "Boss, boss stop! It's the man the Guild is looking fur!" the man on Max replied, "Oh, ok. We'll take him back to the village and show him to the chief and let her decide on what to do with you two!"

They had tied Max's hands up and Eve followed. They walked for about an hour through the ice white snowy landscape. When they got to Wycam the villagers were excited to see new hunters but also confused that they had not been sent by the Guild. Their own hunter wasn't talking to them (Max and Eve).

"Oh look hunters! Welc-!" a lady said before her husband interrupted and said, "Honey don't talk to 'em, especially the boy wearing the Yukumo armour. He's the one the Guild is looking for!"

They then finally met the chief. She was a young girl with a light bowgun who was called Felicia, she was a part-time hunter.

"Ya'r a wee bit young?!" Eve asked.

"That's what they all say! Oh, and by the way the names Felicia!" Felicia said smiling "Now what to do with and your friend, give you two to the guild or help your friend with his leg?" Felicia was about to go back into her house but then the resident hunter who bought them here whispered something to her. Felicia smiled, slightly nodded, turned around and said "If you want us to keep you here you must hunt us a Zamtrios. It has been causing trouble to the local trade route and you'll be doing it with Matt the hunter who brought you here and his Palico; Angry!

Max looked at Eve and said "Fine! Matt, the names Rook! The lady is called Jean!" Eve then looked and Max and said: "Yes what Rook said my name is Jean!"

"Cool-cool, but remember don't die, it'll look bad on me!" Matt said grinning and putting his hand behind his head, it was at this moment Felicia shut her eyes and said: "I'm coming!" Matt turned around to look at her and said "Wait-what?! What about the village?" Felicia was known to join Matt on hunts but that was only when it was dangerous.

"I have a feeling about this hunt as if something is going to happen - a bad thing!" when Felicia had a bad feeling she was always right, "Who'll look after the village?" Matt asked looking a bit confused, "The hunters who are here and Rook!" Felicia replied while clicking her fingers. There was a Guild Hall in Wycam the Monsters were a bit more aggressive than Ukemo so stronger Hunters would come to test themselves.

Matt looked at Felicia and said "But Rook can't fight! He's wanted by the guild!" Felicia said nothing and went back into her home.

Max was taken to the village healer and Eve got ready for the hunt with Matt and Felicia.

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