Chapter Six: The Announcement

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"That's what happened!" Matt said to Eve, now they were all thinking about their next move! Because they needed to warn the world what was happening but none of them could think of a way to do that.

Then Matt's phone rang. It was the FBI agent who had somehow got hold of Matt's phone number and said "Now that you are all together, you are probably wondering how to tell the world about what's happening? Well, I've organised for a T.V station to broadcast the announcement! You can find it on the right of the building you're in." Then the phone call ended as quickly as it had begun.

Max, Matt and Eve headed off to the station with Cha-Cha and Kayamba pretending to be cosplayers. Angry behaved like a cat meowing and purring to anybody he saw. When they arrived at the station, nobody was there it was empty, except for a camera and a microphone.

They checked to see if anybody else was there but nobody appeared.

So they all talked about who was going to do what.

It was decided that Matt would operate the camera because he was the best in his school with technology. Max was making sure the broadcast was going to be sent and Eve was going to be talking with Cha-Cha, Kayamba and Angry to explain what was happening.

When everyone was ready they started. Eve began with "Hello everybody, this is an important announcement. The world we know and love is changing, creatures from a game called Monster Hunter are coming to our world." Then Cha-Cha and Kayamba came on and said: "This is true minions, the things that we have hunted for many years have gone-gone into this world, we must prepare to start hunt-hunting these Monsters!" Then Angry ran on last with his armour on, his weapon drawn and started to speak. He said, "Hunters and huntresses, the best of us must prepare for a war, a war against massive beasts, dragons and sea-creatures!"

After the broadcast ended, the world leaders came together and accepted the truth of what had been uncovered and explained in the broadcast. The world went into an outcry, people were saying "That it was all fake!" or "It was a conspiracy to get people hunting "It was a conspiracy to get people hunting wild animals." but there were some who said, "If the whole world says it is happening then it must be true!" No matter who you asked the answer would be different from person to person, everybody had a different opinion on the current matter.

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