Chapter Twelve: The Investigation.

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It was nightfall by the time, the caravan got to the cave. Before the man could ask Rook for the money, Rook had gone.

"He's something else." the man said and for some reason, he felt he had to go and find him. He picked up two daggers he had lying about, and let go of his Popodrome (a Popodrome is like a small mammoth). He took some potions along with him and also some battered old armour he had lying about and headed off into the darkness.

Rook found the cave where the Gypceros died, he lit a touch and went inside.

The man was following Rook's footprints that had been left in the mud. When he got to the cave, he could smell smoke, and he knew Rook was in there.

Rook was walking through the cave and saw something, the same yellow juice he found before, he tasted it again "Huh, I'm feeling that buzz again" he said to himself. Then he heard a bird noise, almost like that of a chicken or a turkey.

Then he looked up, and there was a giant Gypceros in front of him, "Arrup, Arrup!!" the Gypceros went, and started to spit poison at Rook. Rook did his best to try and dodge, but even he wasn't quick enough.

'SPLAT!!' went the Gypceros's poison against Rook's body. He thought he was done for and then the man from the caravan, flung himself at the Gypceros and the daggers scratched across its face, "ARUP!" went the Gypceros in a loud outraged cry.

It got ready for flash attack striking its crest together and just before it could finish, 'CRACK!' went the Gypceros's crest. It had been broken clean off. The man then picked up Rook and ran out of the cave.

Rook then passed out. "Come on! Wake up!" Rook started to get his sight back, it was the man from before, but they weren't where he had passed out. He didn't know where he was "Where am I?" he asked, tired and confused, "I brought you here and it's lucky I followed you." The man said having a swig from his brown leather drink pouch.

"I can handle myself!" Rook stated trying to stand, "Huh, you're more stubborn than I thought!" Lance replied laughing, Rook finally stumbled to his feet stood up and saw where they were.

It was a gigantic lake, with a village next to it, it was called 'Ukemo' a tiny village where a lot of new hunters gathered because of the variety of low-ranking monsters but lately higher-ranking monsters had been making their homes there.

Rook noticed something - he wasn't wearing his armour and his weapon was gone. "Where's my gear?!" Rook asked with some fierceness, "That was damaged beyond repair, sorry" the man said picking up his stuff. "Where are we going?" Rook said trying to run after the man, "We're going to Ukemo Village, to find out what is happening, and get you some gear." The man said walking off, "What's your name anyway?!" Rook shouted, "My name is Lance!" the man said looking behind to look at Rook!

"Hey wait up!" Rook said, running after him.

When they got to Ukemo Village, most shops were closing for the night.

"Somethings wrong." Rook said, he felt as if he was being watched, "Not many days' people see a hunter without their armour." Lance said as if he was taking the mick out of Rook, "No, that's not it, it feels like as if I am being watched!" Rook said seeming tenser now, "Right! We're going to a Tavern for the night." Said Lance, laughing.

Off they went to the Villages Tavern, for a few drinks. By the time night had fallen Rook had completely forgotten what was making him so tense beforehand.

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