Chapter Thirty-One: The Truth.

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"What has happened?!" Max yelled, "I'm sorry but a Rajang attacked, most are dead and there's no way they could've survived!" replied a young male Scoular, "You told me they'll be safe!" Max said.

Max's eyes started to turn into the deep dark red and black as night, "Max calm down!" Felicia yelled Max's eyes turned back into an ocean blue and walked out of the house.

"I'm sorry about hi-!" but before Felicia could finish the Scoular said, "He's right to be angry, the Guild Master promised that they'll be safe!" he then left Felicia house as well.


"Not much further now, c'mon girly!" said Tinkerer while shovelling loads of coal into the engine. "What's going to happen to me?" Eve asked looking Sheela in the eyes, "I don't know..." Sheela replied.

It was an hour until they got to Tinkerer's 'house' it was a cave with big metal doors and a larva flowing underneath the bridge that connected the cave and the rest of Iron Valley together.

"Get her on the table. NOW!" yelled Tinkerer in a calm but yet stern voice and so Sheela did. "This won't hurt a bit!" said Tinkerer looking at Eve but it was at this moment Eve saw what one of Tinkerer's hands where-metal. "Your hand it metal, how's does it work?" Eve asked holding onto Tinkerer (with her left hand), "By electricity!" Tinkerer replied "But how? That doesn't work anymore!" Eve questioned, "The old world isn't completely gone... But now sleep..." Tinkerer said softly.

Then Eve fell asleep.

In Wycam...

Felicia and Max were talking about their next move in Felicia's house but for some reason, Max asked this "Felicia I've got a question. I was hunting a few months ago and I was hit by some recovery bullets do you know who?" Felicia stopped drinking her ale and placed it on the dark oak table and said, "I was waiting for you to ask that question. It was me and Matt." Max stopped drinking his ale and replied with, "Thank you for answering this riddle that's been itching me for some time." Max then left the house and went to the barn and began training that second.

Meanwhile In Iron Valley...

"How long will she be out for?" Sheela asked Tinkerer, "A day or two because she needs the Nano-mites to get into her system and to program her hand to her brain." Tinkerer said screwing Eve's new robotic hand. "So how is any of this possible? How have you made this work?" Sheela asked, "Because this isn't just one world..... it's two worlds that have met. Almost like a when you put cheese and chicken together neither one aren't there but one can't be seen as well, so in this case, our world is the cheese and the world full of monsters is the chicken. That's why I live alone because I know the truth and the Guild doesn't want people to know said the truth!" Tinkerer explained.

Tinkerer then sat down and started to read his favourite book, 'The Worlds Ending'.

Two Worlds MeetOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz