Making the Best Out of Nothing

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Yuri glanced at her wirst watch . It's already 7 pm . She decided to retire for the day and packed her bag. She took off her glasses and rubbed her nose bridge. She was tired and exhausted today , but she broke into a grin thinking about her cute daughter. She hastened her process and before she know it , she was walking towards her black Ferrari FF . She dumped her briefcase behind and started her engine . As she was making her way out of the building , she called home. Before long , her house butler and long time worker of her family answered .

" Anyeonghaseyo Miss Kwon. Are you on your way back now ? "

" Yes Kang immo . How many times must I say , don't call me Miss Kwon , call me Yuri . You watched me grow up and helped me to look over Ji Ji , even Ji Ji calls you halmeoni . "

" Arasso Yuri-ah. I'll start to heat up dinner for you. Ji Ji wants to talk to you hang on... Ji Ji ah .. umma is on the line. She's on the way home, better clear up your toys. "

Yuri chuckled as she heard Kang immo reminding Ji Ji to clear up her toys. Before long a cute nasal voice reached her ear.

" Umma... where you ? Ji Ji miss umma " Hae Ji whined . Yuri chuckled and felt all her tiredness disappear at the voice of her daughter .

" Ji Ji ah.. umma's darling. How are you today ? Have you been a good girl today? Did you listen to Kang halmeoni ? "

" Naeeee... umma ppali wa. Ji Ji bogoshipoyo. " Yuri grinned like an idiot at the thought of her daughter pouting.

" Arasso , umma is almost home. Ji Ji should clear up your toys and then sit with Umma later okay ? "

" YAYYY !! Okay. Bye umma. I love you "

" Umma loves you too ... "

" Yuri-ah I'll hang up the phone now. Be careful on your way back. Don't speed . Bye " Her trusted housekeeper reminded her. Yuri hung up the phone and her thoughts wander off to her estranged wife. How is she doing now ? Is she happy with the life that Yuri can't give her ? Before long , Yuri reached her mansion that she built especially for Jessica. It was supposed to be a surprise for her on their anniversary , but Jessica had already left. Yuri turned off the engine and stayed a while inside the car , clearing her thoughts. She then fetched her briefcase from the backseat and get out of the car.

" JI JI YA.. UMMA IS HOME !! " Yuri shouted escstatically , a few moments later she heard footsteps and giggles from Ji Ji. Her little bundle of joy , the only light in the darkness when Jessica left her. The sole reason Yuri was still able to function even though she got dumped by her wife. Her daughter is the only thing Yuri lives for now. She gave her daughter a tight hug and kissed her hair. She inhaled the sweet fragrance of her daughter , a mixture of baby shampoo , sweat and talcum powder. She then released her hold of Ji Ji and take a good look at her daughter , Ji Ji's almond shaped eyes , beautiful pout on her thin lips and a long straight nose. The child is a combination of both Yuri and Jessica , but she reminded Yuri more of Jessica nowadays with the way she talk and behave. She's truly the descendant of the ice princess. She gave her daughter a pinch on her chubby cheeks and earned a whine and pout from Ji JI.

" Umma.. I miss you . You didn't wait for me this morning. You went to office without giving me a kiss. I want it NOW "

Yuri chuckled and shower her daughter with slobbery kisses all over . Ji Ji giggled and held her Umma's face. Her eyes twinkled and she caressed Yuri's face. Yuri closed her eyes and savour the moment . After a while she received a wet kiss on her lips and cheeks. She opened her eyes and saw her daughter smiled sweetly at her.

" Hailey Kwon Jung Hae Ji , did you trouble halmeoni today ? Did you clear up your own toys and playpen ? " Yuri picked her daughter up and carried her into the house. She greeted the housekeeper and placed Ji Ji on her high chair. She proceed to pick up Ji Ji's bowl and chopstick before putting on a bib on her.

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