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After consoling Ji Ji , Yuri carried her daughter down to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for her daughter. Jessica followed behind closely pulling funny faces to Ji Ji making the toddler giggled continuously. Yuri then place her daughter down on the high chair. She gestured Jessica to sit and gave her a cup of water.

" Jessica , play with her. I need to cook lunch."  Jessica nod her head at Yuri's request. She played with her daughter , she noticed her daughter's features and her personality. She's really stubborn for a three year old. When she sets her mind on something she really won't change her mind.

" Mami.. is the world nice?"

"What?" Jessica was dumbstrucked by the question

"Umma says you go travel.. is it nice there?" Hailey asked innocently , unknown to the fact that her umma lied to her. Jessica wasn't sure if she continued lying to her daughter or just tell her the truth. She turned to look at Yuri hoping for an answer. Yuri heard the question , she stopped all that she was doing and turned around. She saw the pleading look on Jessica's face and the curious look on Hailey's face. She wiped her hand and bent down to her daughter's eye level.

" Hailey , mummy went to a lot of places. You should ask mummy is she happy there."

"Oh..okay umma. Mami.. are you happy there?"

" Umm.. no. Mummy wasn't happy because you and umma weren't there with mummy." Jessica answered. It's the truth, the years she spent away form her girls hurts her like hell. She misses them so much. Yuri turned her head away and stood up continuing what she's doing.

"Mami , do you miss Ji Ji and umma. Umma always cry when Ji Ji sleep." The toddler's word caused both Jessica and Yuri to stop whatever they're doing and look at her.

" Ji Ji , when did umma cry?" Yuri asked.

"Every night, when Ji Ji sleep umma will cry. Umma sometimes cry loud till I wake up. But umma didn't see. Ji Ji quickly close my eyes again." Hailey explained

Yuri kept her head low, Jessica was speechless.

" Umma, why you cry at  night ?" the toddler asked.

" Umma cry because umma miss mummy." Yuri answered quickly and continued cooking.

After a while of silence, the kitchen was filled with giggles again. Jessica kept playing with her daughter , she was surprised by her daughter's kkabness and her prankster ways. Ji Ji reminded Jessica so much of Yuri when they were younger. She might sound and look more like Jessica but her personality was definitely Yuri.

" UMMA.. JI JI IS HUNGRY!!" Jessica was shocked by her daughter's loud volume. She definitely sound as loud as Tiffany.

" YA!! UMMA IS COOKING. JUST STAY THERE DO NOT COME INTO THE KITCHEN" Yuri replied and sent a glare towards her daughter.


"Hailey Kwon Jung . You should be patient. Umma is making your food. Mummy is hungry too . You should wait. You'll get your food soon." Jessica said sternly. The toddler pouted and Yuri was amazed by Jessica's parenting skills. She managed to calm the toddler down. Yuri turned her head to look at the duo and she saw the mother and daughter duo engaging in a glare battle. ' You'll never win Ji Ji, don't waste your time' Yuri thought

True to what Yuri predicted ,  the toddler lost to her mummy. She was afraid of her mummy. She's stricter than her umma. She pouted , she thought she could get away with her mummy. Soon after , Yuri placed Ji Ji's bowl and plate on the high chair , earning claps from her daughter. Ji Ji waited for her food to be served on the table. Her hands were itching to pick up her chopsticks, but knowing how her umma is strict with her eating habits , she restrain herself. Yuri placed the dished on the table before scooping up some rice into Jessica's and Ji Ji's bowl. She served them first before scooping up some rice for herself. She was sweating already from cooking .

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