My Poor Baby

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The next morning in the Kwon household, Yuri was having trouble waking her daughter up . Ji Ji was sleeping like a log. "Just like her mummy" Yuri thought to herself.

" Ji Ji ah... ireonna. Umma needs to go to work, you need to go to play group. Come on baby. " Yuri coaxed her daughter up. But still she received no response. Yuri sighed and carry her daughter into the bathroom . Yuri then took out a pink towel with rabbits on it and soaked it in warm water. She then sat down on the toilet seat and held her sleeping daughter firmly against her chest with her hand. She twist the towel dry and slowly dabbed her daughter's face. Ji Ji moved a little and smacked her lips continue to sleep. Yuri let out an exasperated gasp and spotted a wide smile. She then wet the towel once more and dab Ji Ji's body all over. Once she's done , she took a small penguin toothbrush and squeezed a pea sized toothpaste on it. She squeezed her daughter's cheek and slowly pushed the toothbrush into Ji Ji's mouth. The toddler by reflex opened her mouth wider and Yuri slowly brushed her daughter's teeth. After brushing , Yuri used a small towel and wrapped her finger before dipping it into clean water to wipe the insides of her daughter's mouth. When she's done she carry the sleeping child back on the bed, Ji Ji then curl herself up and obtain a much more comfortable sleeping postion. Yuri shook her head and started to dress her daughter up. She dressed Ji Ji with the playgroup's uniform and slowly tie her hair to make her daughter looked more presentable.

Yuri stole a glance at the clock " SHIT !! I have less than 30 minutes to prepare Ji Ji's lunchbox and breakfast and prepare myself. Dammit! " Yuri panicked and leaned down to give a quick kiss at her daughter as a last attempt to wake her up. Sensing Ji Ji's not going to wake up anytime soon , Yuri quickly ran down to the kitchen and grab some laver , rice and ham trying to make a kimbap for her daughter as breakfast and lunch later. Unknown to Yuri , Ji Ji had already woke up. The toddler stare at the ceiling and rubbed her eye , her eyelids are still heavy but she can't find her mother anywhere. She heard noises downstairs and slowly get off the bed and walked towards the kitchen. She ran towards her mother and hugged her leg. Yuri turned around and smile at her daughter . She picked her up and put her on the high chair while giving her a roll of kimbap she made earlier.

" Here baby. Breakfast. Thank you for waking up. Umma thought I will have to carry you to the car again." Yuri pouted to her daughter. Ji Ji ignored Yuri and continue to munch on her breakfast. Yuri was once again dumbfounded , her daughter's eating habit sometimes reminded her of Yoona and Sooyoung ; the shikshin duo of their group. But Yuri knew that Sica was also quite a shikshin. Yuri shook her head and continue to pack her daughter's lunch and bag.

After devouring 2 kimbap rolls , Yuri get Ji Jii down from the high chair ; the toddler then walked towards the television and turned her head back to look at her mother. Her eyes silently begging for Yuri to turn on the television. But Yuri knew that her daughter would throw another tantrum if she were to turn the television off when they leave the house , so Yuri shook her head and carry her daughter off to their room. She placed Ji Ji on the bed and took out a few sets of clothes and hang them in front of her daughter.

" Ji Ji-ah , umma have an important meeting today. So Tae-immo will fetch you back okay ? Which one you like to see umma wear today ? " Yuri asked her daughter for opinion. Ji Ji 's eyes alternate her gaze between her umma and the clothes in front of her. Her actions reminded Yuri of Jessica , her daughter is indeed a product of the fashion queen. While Yuri let Ji Ji choose her outfit of the day , Yuri quickly sneaked in for a quick shower and quickly applied her make up. When she came out of the bathroom , " Umma , this one." Ji Ji said while pointing at the long sleeved black dress that stops at the thigh. Yuri nodded her head and gave her daughter a thumbs up earning a string of giggles from the toddler. Yuri then pick up a 3 inch high black stiletto and a cream coloured coat and put it on the bed. Ji Ji then examined her mother's choice of shoes and nod her head absently. Yuri quickly applied her makeup and let her hair loose from her bun.

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