It Wouldn't Change A Thing

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Yuri looked on as Jessica walked back into their old apartment complex , she's confused. Her heart and mind is confused. Even though she is mad at Jessica , she still want her back.

Jessica walked into the apartment she share with the Taeny couple. She remembered Tiffany's face when Taeyeon confessed about her dreams on having kids. She knew her best friend was devastated. Jessica silently hoped they are okay. She turned the door knob and was greeted by darkness. She shrugged and flicked on the lights.

" AAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Jessica shrieked

Tiffany was sitting by the kitchen all alone , tears were streaming down her face.

"Tiff.. what's wrong? What happened ? Why are you here ? Where's Taeyeon?"

The mere mention of Taeyeon's name sent Tiffany into another episode of crying again.

"Jessi , she left..... Tae... Tae left... Jessi... sh..she" Tiffany tried to talk without stuttering but she can't. The pain in her chest if just too much.

" What happened Tiff ? Tell me from the start." Jessica said and quickly helped Tiffany up.


After Taeyeon and Tiffany left Yuri and Jessica , the both of them head home. The car ride was silent , Tiffany do not know where to ask. She's still not prepared to have kids , but she knew Taeyeon was more than ready to have kids. They both head home in silence , which was something they had never done before. Taeyeon was deep in her own thoughts , the whole confession to Yuri made Taeyeon realized that she's slowly running out of reasons for Tiffany. Taeyeon knew her wife wasn't ready with kids and she has her career as a surgeon and all but Taeyeon had had enough.

They both get into their apartment and Taeyeon went into the kitchen to have a drink. She knew she need to talk to Tiffany as soon as possible. This matter will be resolved today. She needs an answer. She finished her drink and walked into the living room , she saw TIffany sitting on the sofa staring into space. Taeyeon knew her wife is in a dilemma.

" Fany-ah .. we need to talk. About what I said earlier to Yuri... "

" Tae-ah you don't mean it right? You still love me right ? "

" What do you mean if I still love you ? Of course I do. I love you Fany-ah.... but I want a family. "

" Tae I'm not..."

" I know , you're not ready yet. But when ? When Fany-ah ? I'm sick of this. I kept putting up with you and your career. I'm slowly running out of reasons Tiffany. Give me a solid reason why .. and it's not because of your career or you're not ready. Do you love me Tiffany ?"

Tiffany's heart stung when she heard Taeyeon calling her by her full name. She knew Taeyeon had reached her limit.

" I'm afraid Tae"

"Of what ? "

" Kids.. they're a huge responsibility. I've seen so many kids on my surgical table suffering from diseases and their helpless parents. I've had so many young children dead on my surgical table... it scares me. What if our child is born sick ? I'm a doctor Tae ... it sucks when the one close to you is sick. The responsibility is too much."

" Fany-ah.. you're a doctor yourself. What are you talking about ? You open up people everyday. You had patients who died under your care. "

" They're my patients Tae.. not the one I love. Not you or our non existing child."

" I can be the one pregnant. It doesn't have to be you Fany-ah."

" But.. I want to be a mother either."

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