Baby Tales

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After registering her daughter for ballet classes , Jessica was looking at those ballet costumes but none of them fit her taste. 'I guess I should make one for her myself. They all looked good but I can do better.' Jessica thought before leaving the studio. As she was walking back she passed by a textile shop and decided to drop in to look at those cloths. After spending nearly an hour there , Jessica came out of the shop with her hands full of all sorts of cloths like muslin , gauze, silk even a new pair of scissors and sewing kit along with a sewing machine. As she staggered home with all her purchases she felt happy that she can made something for her whole family to wear. Jessica reached home to find both Yuri and Hailey sprawled on the ground facing each other.

"I'm homeeeee!!! What are you guys doing?"



"Can you two please help me with all these?" Jessica asked finally gaining the attention of Yuri and Hailey. Yuri rushed quickly to help her wife. "Oh , Yuri-ya I ordered a sewing machine. It will be here later. Can you clear out someplace for me ?"

"What?" Yuri said, she had absolutely no idea what Jessica is doing right now. Jessica sighed exasperatedly. 'Gosh, did the fever fry her brain?' Jesica thought. She took a deep breath and explained , "I just came back from the ballet academy , I enrolled us for ballet classes next month. And they gave me some samples of ballet gowns and tutus and whatnots, I do not like it. They all look the same. No individuality. So I decided to make Hailey's costumes all by myself. "

"WHAT?! Can you do it? Don't push yourself too hard." Jessica glared over at her wife. "Excuse me , I majored in fashion designing , and I was a top designer okay? Besides I've done this before and trust me." Jessica said before landing a slap on Yuri's arm. Yuri winced but continue to shift the furnitures around to accomodate the sewing machine and trying to make a workplace for her wife. She is definitely glad that Jessica is still good at designing and making clothes, Jessica was good at it since high school and it was her dream came true when she landed a job as fashion designer with an international brand. But she gave it all up to have a baby, and for that Yuri felt guilty all this time for making her wife give up her dreams while she is busy pursuing hers.

"Sica, I'm glad you still have it in you. I guess thinking back , I was selfish asking you to give up your job and be a full time mom. You had so much potential and if you stayed on in that company , you would have achieved a lot."

"True, but it's all in the past. There is no what ifs , Yuri-ya. I'm happy I can help design my daughter's ballet costumes."

"True, but seriously Sica was the costumes at the ballet academy that bad that you want to make one yourself ?" Yuri ask out of curiosity.

"Nah, they're not bad. Just not good enough for my daughter." Jessica replied nonchalantly making Yuri gasped in shock.

"So you decided to buy all these cloths ? And a sewing machine just so our daughter look good? let me clap for you." Yuri said sarcastically while clapping her hands. Jessica twitched her eyebrows and said , "Well , if you want your daughter to look the same with her classmates I don't mind but I don't think you will like it if you can't spot her in her ballet recitals." Jessica retaliated making Yuri speechless.


"Open the door Yuri. It's the sewing machine." Jessica replied coldly. Yuri sighed and opened the door for the delivery men and helped to organize and set up the workplace for Jessica. "It's done. Jessica come here and test it and see if it works." Yuri said loudly. Jessica got up and walked to the sewing machine amazed at how Yuri managed to set up a workplace for her with a desk , some drawing pads next to the sewing machine . She tested the machine and after making sure it works , Yuri sent those delivery men off. Jessica stayed at the workplace , silently taking in the condition of her new so called workplace. She hasn't been near a sewing machine for almost 4 years now ever since she gave birth to Hailey. She too was slightly doubting her own skills, she might be rusty now. Yuri shook her shoulders lightly waking her up from her thoughts.

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