As One Again

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Yuri and Jessica entered the apartment fully exhausted after the ballet practice. Their muscles already started to ache and poor Hailey was sleeping soundly. The poor girl was so exhausted right after class she ran into Yuri's embrace and fell asleep almost immediately. Jessica keyed in the apartment code before turning on the lights , Yuri stepped in after her and was holding her daughter tightly against her chest. It was pretty chilly tonight and even though the little girl was already wrapped up , Yuri couldn't help but worry incase the little girl felt cold. Yuri walked to the front of the bedroom and waited for Jessica to open the door for her. Jessica was at the door activating the security system before walking towards the bedroom ,she saw her wife standin in front of the door while holding onto their sleeping daughter made Jessica's heart flutter. She quickly turned the door knob and ushered Yuri in. "Sica, turn on the side lamp." Jessica obliged and Yuri slowly lowered their daughter on the bed before taking off the coat on her. Jessica went into the bathroom to prepare a hot towel for her daughter before proceeding to the closet to retrieve her pyjamas.

Yuri was slowly peeling off the ballet costume off her daughter without provoking the little girl. She have to admit , her daughter really stand out from the rest of her class with her ballet costume. Yuri silently smile when she remembered how the other mothers were asking them where did they buy the costumes. 'Seems like Jessica Jung is right again' Yuri thought while trying to remove her daughter's hair from the tight bun. "Yuri, wiped her body first before taking off the bun." Jessica whispered to Yuri. The latter nod her head and heed her wife's advice. Jessica crawled onto the bed slowly taking off the bob pins from her daughter's hair. "Her hair is so long and black Yuri-ah , she got it from you." Yuri chuckled while putting on her daughter's diaper. "Sica, she looked so pretty today at the ballet class." Jessica nod her head and smiled brightly "She's already taller than the kids her age and so much more flexible , must be from the exercises you did with her."

"Told you those exercises will come in handy one day." Yuri said while retrieving her daughter's dirty clothes to the laundry basket. "I know, I know.'' Yuri heard Jessica and imaginied the latter rolling her eyes at her. "I think you are right for making her costumes on your own, she really stand out from those girls." She turned her head and saw her wife beaming brightly at her. "Want some hot chocolate?" Yuri suggested to her wife earning nods from the older girl. The both of them walked out of the room quietly hoping they don't wake their daughter up. They really wanted some alone time together. While Yuri was making the hot chocolate , Jessica just stared at Yuri from outside. Suddenly , she stood up and walked to the kitchen and back hugged Yuri. She inhaled Yuri's scent while Yuri let herself relax under Jessica's hold , her arms snaked behind and hold Jessica's waist. Both of them silent taking in this moment together. When the water boiled, Yuri let go of her hold on Jessica and retrieved the hot water and slowly pour it in the cup. They walked over to the couch each with a cup of hot chocolate in their hands. Yuri stared at Jessica for a while before starting their conversation "You like the classes?" Jessica snorted , "I bet you do Yuri-ah. Those women were gawking at you ,even the instructor was paying more attention to our daughter because of you."

"No she did  not." Yuri tried to  defend herself. "Yeah right Kwon Yuri , next time do not wear such tight clothes. Even the cleaning ahjumma was looking at your curves." Jessica said while pointing to Yuri's shirt. It was supposed to be tight since it's a sports attire. "What am I supposed to wear then? A big shirt over myself?" Yuri asked Jessica, the latter thought for a while before answering yes. " I will look like a hobo Sica-ah...." Her wife laughed at her antics before taking a sip on her hot chocolate. "I don't care. You're mine. So only I can see what's beneath." Yuri brushed slightly at the statement and cleared her throat "I really have to admit , that costume you made for Ji Ji is really pretty. Everyone was staring at her because of it. She really brings out the costumes." Jessica nod her head "Yeah , she looked so pretty. And her hair Yuri-ah , it's the perfect length for ballet , long and black." Yuri chuckled , " You know, Sooyoung once asked me to cut JI Ji's hair short so she looked even cuter."

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