Food Reunites Family

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Sulli and Krystal looked on as Jessica and Yuri walked into the kitchen hand in hand. Krystal eyed her sister , she has not seen that smile on her face since her arrival, Yuri had back the same glint in her eyes , the spring in her step and the radiant smile on her face, it was as if the three years apart never bothered them at all.

"Well , Yuri unnie we are going out on a date. See you guys tonight and don't cook our dinner. You guys enjoy your time as a family." Sulli said enthusiastically while dragging Krystal along.

"Bye Ji , bye Yul-unnie." Krystal said. She purposely ignored her sister and gave her niece a kiss on the cheeks before walking out with her girlfriend. Yuri smiled looking at her sister-in-law's antics , she knew the younger girl was purposely making Jessica angry.

"Okay, you lovebirds enjoy yourselves okay." Yuri said

When Sulli and Krystal left , Yuri turned to Jessica and asked , " So , what are we supposed to do now?"

"Let's make a cake and some snacks. Since there's only the three of us and it's still far from dinner time." Jessica said.

"Umma , Mami I'm hungry now." Hailey interrupted, Yuri just smile and pat her daughter's chubby cheeks.

"Yah, are you a shikshin? You ate so much during lunch." Jessica complained while preparing the ingredients for cake.

" But mami , I'm still hungry" Ji Ji said and pouted her lips to her mothers.

"Making a cake takes some time baby , is it okay if mummy and umma made some sandwiches for you first ?" Jessica asked.

"YES!!"  Hailey said enthusiastically

"Yuri-yah , can you please get the bread from the upper shelves?"

Yuri reached up and grabbed the bread on the higher shelves while Jessica reached for the inside of the fridge for the ingredients to make sandwiches. When Yuri grabbed the sandwich and turned around she was face to face with Jessica who was trying to reach the plates. Both of them stopped for a while and awkwardly make way for the other. There was an evident blush on Yuri's face , Jessica felt her heartbeat raced so fast and the heat creeping up her cheeks.

'Wow. I haven't felt that for a long time.' Jessica thought.

Yuri cleared her throat and broke Jessica out of her thoughts. Jessica proceed to grab the chopping board and a knife and a butter knife for her daughter. She placed all the ingredients on the table and tried to pry open a can of tuna. Seeing how she was struggling with the tuna can , Yuri reached for the can and pry it open easily before passing it back to Jessica.

"Thanks." Jessica muttered , and slowly instructed her daughter to pour the tuna into a mixing bowl. The toddler followed her mummy's instructions and carefully pour the tuna into the bowl. Jessica then took the small knife into her hands and held her daughter's hand in it , slowly guiding Hailey into cutting the vegetables into bite size pieces. The little girl was giggling non stop , she felt proud that she can cook. Yuri just stood and looked at the both of them, suddenly she ran upstairs and grabbed her camera. She rushed down to the kitchen and took a few shots of Jessica and Hailey cutting the vegetables.

"Umma, come and help." Hailey instructed while putting her hands on her waist. Yuri and Jessica chuckled looking at their daughter's demanding attitude.

"Yes, princess." Yuri walked towards her daughter and kissed her.

"What do you need me to do?" Yuri asked

" Actually ,nothing. Since three people doing a plate of sandwiches is really a bit redundant don't you think?" Jessica said while slowly guiding the knife with her daughter.

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