Let Me In

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The rest of the car ride to the restaurant was quiet. Yuri spent her time thinking about Jessica's words. Did she neglected her during that time? Why is she jealous towards their own daughter? Why didn't she just say it out ? Before long, they reached the restaurant. It's her frequent Korean restaurant with Ji Ji. Yuri got down from the car and was halfway to Jessica's side when she stopped in her tracks. She turned back and walked into the restaurant.

Jessica who was in the car saw everything. She thought Yuri was being the gentlewoman that she is but she was wrong. Yuri don't want to be HER gentlewoman. She sighed and opened the car door herself. She entered the restaurant and found Yuri sat in a corner , her head buried inside the menu. She approached the table and sat opposite Yuri.

Yuri noticed Jessica infront of her and continued looking at the menu , after a few minutes she asked

" You done?"

Jessica nod her head and Yuri gestured for the waitress.

"Anyeong Yuri-ssi. Where's your cute daughter?" the waitress asked. Her eyes were twinkling while looking at Yuri. Jessica saw all that and felt a fury began to boil inside her.

"Anyeong Mina-ssi. Ji Ji is with my friend tonight. I'm bringing Ji Ji's mother out for dinner." Yuri explained while gesturing to Jessica

Mina who thought she had a chance with Yuri was shocked, the tan woman never once brought up that she had a wife , she never brought anyone her besides her daughter and she never heard the toddler looking for her other mother. Yuri saw the clueless look on Mina's face and laughed.

" MIna-ah , this is my ..w...wife. Jessica Jung. " Yuri then flashed a killer smile at the waitress.Jessica was rejoicing inside when Yuri introduced her as her wife. She knew Yuri and her , there might still be a possibility.

" Oh.. okay. Anyeong Mrs Kwon." Mina politley bowed to Jessica. Jessica just showed her nonchalant smile. Yuri saw that, the fake smile Jessica had on her face. She knew the brunette woman was jealous of Mina.

" MIna-ssi, can you give me a set of kimchi jiggae , a toppokki , and a bottle of water pleae. " Yuri ordered. Mina just nod and turned her attention to Jessica

" I'll have the naengmyun..." Before Jessica could complete her sentence.

" Make sure to not include any cucumber in our dishes. She's allergic to cucumber too just like my daughter." Yuri added.

Mina shook her head and laughed " Of course Yuri-ssi , wow. Like mother like daughter huh ? " Mina asked. Jessica just smiled. She didn't even know her daughter is allergic to cucumber too just like her.

Mina left their table after taking their orders. While waiting for their order to arrive, Yuri looked around the restaurant. JEssica was staring at her. She noticed Yuri wasn't wearing their wedding bands any longer. She wanted to ask but she knew she was in no position to ask. Instead she asked about her daughter

" Yuri , can you tell me more about Ji Ji ? "

Yuri looked over at her wife and sighed..." What do you want to know Jessica?"

"Her habits ?"

" Well, Hailey Kwon Jung is a sleepyhead. She's really a handful when she's sleeping. Especially in the morning when I have to rush to put her in playgroups and rush to the office. "

"Playgroups ? Isn't she abit too young for that?" Jessica asked

" Nope. She's at the right age to learn how to socialize with kids her age. In case you didn't notice, she's just turned 3 eight months ago." Yuri chided. She never meant it in a bad way. But Jessica thought Yuri was reminding her again that she abandoned their daughter.

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