I Want You Back

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The next morning in Taeny household. Jessica woke up early and made breakfast for Taeny as a repayment for letting her crash in their apartment. As she was flipping the pancakes , she heard a groan and chuckled .

" The danshin still haven't changed " Jessica turned around and was greeted by Taeyeon and her unkempt hair , following behind her was Tiffany looking much better than her wife and already exuberating radiance and cheerfulness.

" Hi Jessi !! Smells great ..what did you made ? " Tiffany's loud voice startled Taeyeon . The latter groaned while cluching her left ear.

" Jagiya... my Ppani.. it's still early in the morning. IF you keep up with this volume , you'll lose your voice in the afternoon ." Tiffany land a loud smacking slap on Taeyeon's arm , earning a groan from the latter and a giggle from Jessica. Jessica then set the table for breakfast. Both Tiffany and Taeyeon devoured their breakfast.

" You should learn from Sica , Ppani ya. Look at her , a few years away from us and she got domesticated already " Taeyeon commented , unknown to Taeyeon ; Jessica felt guilt surrounding her heart again. Domesticated ? Did she pick that up with Tyler ? Did she ever made breakfast for Yuri and their daughter ? Her thoughts were once again interrupted by Tiffany's loud voice.

" YAH ! Kim Taeyeon are you criticizing me now ? You promised that you'll do all the cleaning and cooking if we got married . Are you going back against your words now ? HUH ?! " Tiffany shot a glare at her wife. Taeyeon gulped and reminded herself to shut up if she wanted to continue living . Jessica chuckled and start eating her breakfast . Before long , Taeyeon's phone started ringing. The caller ID flashed Kwon Yuri. Jessica tensed up , the Taeny couple too tensed up. Taeyeon held a finger to her lips and motioned Jessica to keep quiet and not make a sound. She pressed the green little button on the screen and Yuri's voice was heard over the speaker.

" Ya.. danshin Tae. Aish.. Kang immo's son got into a car accident in Jeonju so she need to rush over there to take care of him . I'm going to need some help with Ji Ji at the office later. Yes. I'm bringing her there. And no . My daughter is an angel. You're the devil here Taeng. " Taeyeon jumped from her seat and yelled over the phone.


" Anyeong danshin immo ... anyeong Tipp imo " a cute voice greeted them . Jessica felt her heartbeat accelerated at the voice of her daughter. She never thought Ji Ji would sound so sweet and cute compared to how Taeyeon described her.

" Yah.. what danshin immo . It's Tae Immo " Taeyeon whined. She received a cute giggle and a shuffling of phone before Yuri's voice boomed over again.

" Whatever you say , I'm not letting my daughter to be with some babysitter that I don't know of. Yoona is in New York for the new construction project near Central Park , Seohyun is in Rio de Janeiro for the new accounts we managed to score. I can't give Ji Ji to Hyo , she'll teach her some bad stuffs . I can't give her to Soo or Sunny , those two energizer bunnies have sex whenever and wherever they like , they will taint my baby girl. So it's you danshin-ah " Yuri hang up immediately after saying those words to Taeyeon. She knew Taeyeon will always help her whenever needed even though Ji Ji always prank her.

" NOOOOOO !!! " Taeyeon wailed while Tiffany clutched her stomach with tears rolling down her cheeks. Tiffany knew Ji Ji is a prankster and Taeyeon is her favourite aunt to pull a prank on.

" Ppani -ah you need to help me . Yul's daughter is a kkab , she's gonna make my life hell . Out of everything why must she inherit Yuri''s kkab ? Only Yuri and you guys see her as an angel. She's never nice to me. " Taeyeon whined and lean her head on her wife's shoulder hoping to gain some sympathy and time away from the mini Kkab . Tiffany shook her head .

" Aniyo Tae Tae , I have 3 surgeries lined up today. And you know how Yuri is with her clean freakness. She wouldn't allow Ji Ji to be near the hospital. Ji Ji might get a flu since flu virus is pretty strong lately. " Taeyeon slumped her body on the kitchen counter and faced her wife with a pout. Tiffany chuckled and pinched her wife's cheek before planting a kiss on her lips. Taeyeon gave a weak smile and reciprocate the kiss. Before the kiss could turn into anything steamy , Jessica cleared her throat loudly. The couple broke away and gave Jessica an awkward smile.

" So , mind telling me why do you despise my daughter so much Taeyeon ? She sounded like an angel "

" Of course you'd say she's an angel , she came out of you. She inherited your HellSica-ness and Yuri's kkab-ness. She's a devil reincarnate I tell you Sica -ah. One time I babysit her , I left her in my room while I went out for a toilet break . Your daughter managed to grab a permanent marker and drew all over my office walls. Mind you , the wall was freshly painted courtesy of Kwon Corporation barely 3 days and your daughter made it looked like Picasso came back from the dead and decided to pop into my office and grace me with his painting. Your stupid wife refused to have my walls painted saying that these are Ji Ji's childhood memories and it shall remain there . The other time , I got myself a new mini fridge for my alcohols, your beloved angel decided to chuck her soiled diaper with urine and poop into my refridgerator without me knowing of it. She slammed it shut and we left the office . It was Friday for God's glorious sake and the office was empty for two days. Next Monday when I went to the office , the whole floor smelled like 10 skunks invaded Kwon Building. The stench was unbearable , even Yuri changed floors. My poor fridge and room smelled so horrible I have to fork out money for cleaners to clean the whole room . Your Yuri was laughing at me. So yeah , now you know why I called your daughter a devil's reincarnate. " Taeyeon puffed her cheeks up while Tiffany and Jessica clutched their stomach and crouched on the floor laughing hysterically.

" Yeah ... laugh all you want. " Taeyeon commented sarcastically then storm off into her room to get ready to face Ji JI. Both Tiffany and Jessica managed to regain their composure shortly afterwards. Both still breathless from their laughter earlier. Tiffany realized Jessica's eyes looked sad, she went over and hug her. She knew Jessi wanted another chance at redemption , at forgiveness.

" Tiff , I missed out a lot on her life. I've almost forgotten how she looks like. I'm a failed mother. I left them. " Jessica sobbed onto Tiffany's shoulder. The latter hugged her sideways and stroked her back. Suddenly a lightbulb switched on inside her head.

" Hold on Jessi . Tae Tae and I took videos from when the rest of the gang would meet up and have a little reunion. Ji Ji was there. Wait a moment .." Tiffany scrambled to the front of the TV and started to look into her collection of videos of Ji JI.

" This one !! " She exclaimed excitedly and pop the thumbdrive into the DVD player and a recording came on. It was a recording of the rest of the gang with their significant others and Ji Ji . Jessica looked with her eyes wide with anticipation , she saw how her daughter cuddled with Yuri . How Yuri was smiling but her eyes reflected a certain amount of sadness. Her daughter is so pretty , she has Jessica's almond shaped eyes and thin lips. Yuri's straight nose and angular face. Her dark curly locks framed her face. She looked like an angel. Jessica felt a tear trickle down her face and quickly wiped it away before Tiffany sees it.

" Here Jessi , these are all videos with Ji Ji inside. Some of them are taken by Yuri. Tae Tae would compile them together in a thumb drive. She wanted to compile it all and gave it to Ji Ji on her 17th birthday . " Tiffany handed Jessica a bunch of thumbdrives with the year inscripted on it. Jessica looked at Tiffany , her eyes shined with gratitude . She wanted to thank Tiffany but before she could do so , Taeyeon appeared next to Tiffany with her arms around her waist.

" Don't thank us Sica. We want the best for Ji Ji and Yul. Ji Ji is too young to grow up with a single parent and Yul is too young and heartbroken to be left alone. You have a lot to make up to Sica. We can only help , the rest is up to you , The road ahead will be tough , it's up to you if you want to let go of it or pursue it. You're our friend too Sica, and we want to see you be happy. Yul too. We want Yulsic to be back again. So don't waste this chance. Deep inside that Kkab Yul still loves you alot. Don't disappoint us . And you can stay here as long as you want Yul and Ji Ji will never come here.Stop living in hotel and moved here. We want some time with you too " Taeyeon explained , earning a kiss from Tiffany.

Jessica nod her head. Her heart was doing somersaults now knowing that the Taeny couple is behind her. She clutched the thumbdrives close to her heart and she felt hope beginning to sprung out of her. She still have a second chance with Yuri. She can still rebuild her relationship with Yuri. 

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