You Are Finally Here

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In an airport in Seoul , a man with a wide forehead and a meancing smirk stepped out of the arrrival gates and went towards the concierge waiting for him. "Good day Mr Kwon, how was your flight?" The concierge asked timidly, Mr Kwon just smile and toss him his luggage. "It's good to be free again and to be back in Seoul. I miss this place." He said before stepping into the car. Along the way back to his family mansion , he thought carefully of his plan.

"I will make Kwon Yuri pay for taking Jessica away from me again. I know she is definitely back here for that woman. I will find you Jessica , you are mine and I will kill if I have to to have you back by my side. Those who block my way will all die. " Tyler Kwon stepped out of the car and was greeted by the butler and the house maids attending to his every need. "Young Master, your father is waiting for you in his study." That sentence made Tyler Kwon grimaced, he knew his father will do anything to stop him from looking for the love of his life. He grunted and went up to his father's study , upon entering he saw his father standing by the windowstill , his brother staring at him from the door. "Get in Tyler."

He sat infront of his brother and father , he silently cursed at the thought of what his father will say to him. "Tyler , stop this nonsense right now. She's married with a daughter. Let them go. You can have other woman in this world. " His brother advised him. He sneered "What do you know , I only love Jessica. And if anyone will hinder my way, I'll destroy them!!"

"With what?" His father asked , the old man's voice was cold and devoid of emotions. He is sick of his younger son's attitude and trouble making ways. "With my money? Mind you that you have not worked a single day in your life, all your clothes , your spendings were all from me, you got yourself into trouble more than once and everytime I was the one who looked for lawyers to bribe you out of jail." He take a good look at his son , the younger man was sneering and his eyes were rapid and crazed. He cleared his throat and continued "You will be in lockdown , you are not allowed to step out of this house , not even to the garden , all of your credit cards and bank accounts have been frozen. I have checked all your other accounts under different pseudonyms and they too have been frozen. Meaning , you Tyler Kwon is broke now. You will have no need for money since you won't be going out. I've cancelled all of your vehicle license and sell away all of your cars and precious bikes including your yachts. YOU WILL BE UNDER HOUSE ARREST!"

Tyler Kwon flew into rage and tried to hit his father , luckily his brother stopped him. A man dressed in white stepped into the room immediately and give the crazy man a jab. "It's all done Mr Kwon , he will be out for almost eight to ten hours." Both man sighed while looking at Tyler "Thank you doctor." As the doctor exit the room with the unconscious Tyler , the old Mr Kwon sighed "Warn Kwon Yuri. She needs to know that Tyler is back. Your brother will not sit still he's a dangerous person now. If I knew he is this crazy , I would have let him stay in France. I shouldn't make him return to Korea." The elder Kwon just nod his head, he knew his brother is already long gone , replaced by this craze version of a man.

Inside Kwon Corporation , five women are in a heated discussion. "Taeyeon unnie , the suppliers in China are demanding a raise. Should we try to negotiate with them or we look for another supplier now?" Seohyun asked. "We can't do that, we can't find another supplier that can produce so much steel at such a short notice. They will definitely raise the price either and if we reject them , we have to pay for the fines for violating our contract." Yoona said exasperately. She wished her girlfriend is not so stubborn. Sooyoung was busy munching on her bread while looking over at the account sheets in front of her looking for ways to overturn this crisis. Sunny just looked on while thinking of ways to null the contract if it is necessary. While their leader turned her chair around backfacing them. 'Why am I feeling so nauseous? Did I ate something bad this morning? What is that smell? Sardines?' She turned her chair around quickly and snarled "WHO THE FUCK IS EATING SARDINE OR ANYTHING FISHY IN HERE ??" Everyone in the room stiffened , Taeyeon seldom gets angry but when she does it's scary. They all eyed each other , Sooyoung raised her hands up slowly. Taeyeon glared at her "GET RID OF IT BEFORE I GET RID OF YOU" Sooyoung quickly jumped out of her chair and threw away her sandwich. "NOT HERE THROW IT OUTSIDE." The tall woman put her hand into the dustbin and retrieved her sandwich and rushed out to find a rubbish bin. Everyone was silent , eyeing each other and Taeyeon. The baby faced woman was pinching the bridge of her nose , soon after Sooyoung came back. "Taeng , you want some coffee? Coffee anyone?" She asked timidly. Taeyeon and the rest nod their head and Sooyoung went into her room to retrieve some high grade coffee beans. "Let's take a break guys." Sunny said while walking towards Taeyeon.

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