Get Your Priorities Straight

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Jessica informed Yuri about her confrontation with Sunny an Tiffany , Yuri can only shake her head. "Sica-ah, I have a feeling something might happen to them in the future."

"Me too Yul, I felt Taeyeon's priority might shift to the child if she is really pregnant. What should we do?" Jessica asked Yuri anxiously

"We do what we can. Be their support but don't let their matters to disrupt our relationship. I think somewhere in the future , our house in Jeju-do will be their refuge." Yuri said jokingly, but Jessica wasn't smiling at the joke.

"But , it's pretty disheartening right if they really split up because of such issues. Shouldn't Taeyeon's priority remains to be Tiffany?"

"Let me ask you a question , if something were to happen to Hailey and I at the same time who will you chose to save?"

"Ermm... I ..."

"Think carefully and say what you want to say. I won't mind."

"Err.. I will try to save the both of you but if it comes to worse I will save Hailey."


"Because I know you love our daughter more than your life , and if you and Hailey are both in trouble I know if I go to you first ,you'll demand me to save our daughter. And I know if you are capable of doing it yourself , you will be the first to rush and save her. You love her more than your own life."

"True. That's a mother's instinct. To protect your children. But I want you to know I love our daughter but I love you too. Don't forget that."

"I know. I know now. But if something happens to me and Hailey , I want you to save our daughter. Because I love her too much to see her suffer for another second more."

"I know . But I will try my best to save both. Same goes for Tae. If she feels having Tiffany by the child's side is harming the child, like any  mother , Tae will remove Tiffany. It will be hard for her Sica-ah, she loves Tiffany too much , if it comes to that position I guess we can only help them as much as we can. But at the end of the day , it is up to them. Taeyeon and Tiffany need to talk this through. Let's be their refuge okay?" Yuri said , holding Jessica close to her. She loves having Jessica close to her, it's slowly healing her broken heart. Her mere presence brought peace and happiness into her body.

Meanwhile , during the car ride back Tiffany's mind kept thinking back to Sunny's conversation with Taeyeon. She did not fathom why her own wife willl complain about her to another friend. Why can't Taeyeon just talk to her ? Just tell her about their problems , don't bottle up her feelings.

"Ermm, Tae Tae are you okay?"

"Huh ? Oh , yeah I am fine. Why? You not feeling well?" Taeyeon said and took a quick survey at her wife before focusing her attention back to the road.

"No , I'm fine. Just , felt like I have not properly talk to you for a long time."

"Yeah.. it feels long for me too." Taeyeon then sighed.

"H..How is the procedure with the procedures?"

"What procedures Fany-ah ?" Taeyeon asked while craning her neck to check for oncoming cars from the other direction.

'Damn Tae Tae, you're so sexy. That jaw is so appealing. Oh My Goodness, you byuntae-ah Tiffany Hwang Kim!!'

"Urm , you know the hormone therapy?"  Tiffany said trying to calm herself from kissing her wife senseless.

"Oh, urm I went to the doctors a few days ago and have them extracted already. Dr Han is ready to fertilize them with a sperm. She just needs my green light."

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