A White Lie

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Yuri kept silent all the way home. When she reached home , she unbuckled her daughter from her seat belt and grab their bags. She then locked the gates , ensure the safety and carried her daughter upstairs. She prepared their bath and was soaking in the bathtub with Ji Ji when she started the conversation again.

" Ji Ji -ah , mummy went for a holiday. She wants to see the world, that's why she isn't here with us." Yuri lied hoping her daughter would take the bait and stopped asking.

" When is mummy coming back ? I haven't seen her before. Do you have pictures umma? "

Yuri kept her head low , she was unsure how to bring up the topic of Jessica to their daughter.

" Yes. Umma has pictures of mummy. Umma will show you later okay ? Let's wash our bodies now" Yuri proceed to clean her daughter up. While Yuri was dressing her daughter she thought of Jessica, at that moment she hated Jessica for leaving them and left Yuri with this mess. After they changed into comfortable pyjamas, Yuri brought her laptop up and started to show Ji Ji her pictures with Jessica.

" Hailey.. this is your mummy." She showed her daughter a picture of Jessica .

" This one is when you're inside mummy's tummy , you were so small then . This one is when mummy and umma went for our holidays."

"Waa.. mummy ippeoda." Ji Ji exclaimed. Yuri smiled while looking at the pictures. She remembered their every moment together.


Jessica was in the doctor's office for their 4th month checkup.

" Well , Mrs Kwon your baby looks fine." their obstetrician Dr Han said.

" See, the baby's head.. legs... stomach.. hands and backbone are all developing well. Ooh...." Dr Han exclaimed and started to press some buttons on the ultrasound machine.

" What is it Dr Han? Is there something wrong ? " Yuri asked worriedly

" Nah, nothing is wrong Mrs Jung. I think you both can know the gender already. Do you guys want to know ? " Dr Han asked the couple in front of her.

Both Yuri and Jessica looked at each other and nod.

" Wellllll... congratulations . It's  a .............GIRL !! " Dr Han announced. Jessica and Yuri was very happy. Of course the gender of the baby doesn't matter but knowing the sex of your unborn child is absolutely exhilirating. The couple had tears in their eyes , Yuri leaned forward and gave her wife a kiss on her forehead.

" Thank you Sica for giving me a girl. I love you both so much. I love you girls so so much." Yuri professed her love to her wife.

Jessica's cheeks were bright red at Yuri's words but she felt it .. Yuri's undying love for the both of them.

They thanked the daughter and proceed to pay at the counter. While waiting , Jessica itched to ask Yuri to start buying some baby stuffs for their daughter. Yuri as if sensing her shopaholic wife's needs turn around and asked

" Wanna go shop for some baby clothes and decide on the nursery ? " Yuri wiggled her eyebrown earing a giggle from her wife. Jessica nod her head , and the both of them walked hand in hand to the nearby shopping mall .

The both of them walked into a baby store and quickly grabbed a trolley for their purchase. Yuri picked a lot of cute Mickey Mouse onesies and Disney character shirts while Jessica was observing and looked at every baby furniture with hawk like eyes.

" Yul ah.. I think let's just get some clothes for her. Let's not get the bottles and furnitures yet. "

" Why? "

" I wanna do some research first. I heard there are many types of car seats for children that has different features. Including the crib and bottles. I wanna be prepared and decide slowly. We have time Yuri-ah. Let's plan this slowly okay ? " Jessica said while swaying their entwined hands together. Yur nodded , she knew her wife was right. They then pay and went for lunch.

During lunch , Jessica asked Yuri about their daughter's name.

" Yul-ah what name you prefer ? Hangul or English or both ? "

" Both , preferably her english name can be translated into Hangul too " Yuri added

Jessica thought hard.. finally an idea popped into her head

" Seobang ah , what about Hailey ?? "

" Hailey ? What does it mean ? " Yuri asked

Jessica then explained " Hailey is the name of a comet. It comes once every 80 years . It's very rare and just like our daughter you need to have patience and wait for it to arrive. I want our daughter to be our Hailey comet , the one we've been waiting for. I want her to have patience just like the comet. "

Yuri looked at her wife, she tucked her hands by her chest and looked at Jessica. Her wife flinched under her stare which Yuri finds cute.

" Okay. It's meaningful baby. Her hangul name can be Hae Ri , or Hae Ji ..personally I like the word Ji . It means wisdom and intellect." Jessica like Hae Ji it sounds cuter. She scrunched her nose up and nod her head as a sign of agreement. And that is how the  name Hailey Kwon-Jung Hae Ri was born.

Yuri felt her daughter shaking her and broke out from her memories.

" Yes baby dearest." Yuri said while planting a kiss on Ji Ji's forehead

" Umma, see this one has umma mummy and Ji Ji . I want this on the table next to the bed." Ji Ji said. Yuri was speechless all she could do was nod her head. It took her so much courage and heartache to keep these photos away from herself and her daughter. Now she have to look at Jessica's pictures every  morning when she's awake.

" Umma, did mummy call you ? "

" WHAT ?"

" Did mummy call you , when is mummy home , where is mummy now ?? " Ji Ji continued to ask.

Yuri answered " Yeah.. mummy.. mummy hasn't called in a while. She's somewhere far away and that place doesn't have a phone. She will be back soon." Yuri lied to her daughter. She knew she would be in so much trouble.

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