You Can Never Hide

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'Sica what did he say to you?' Yuri's mind kept thinking of multiple questions and answers that Tyler Kwon said to Jessica

The moment they reached home , Yuri unbuckled her daughter and brought her up to their room. Their usually untidy and unkempt room is unusually tidy. Yuri turned her head towards Jessica looking for answers.

" I helped you clean up a little. You were so busy this morning and the room was in a mess." Yuri just nod her head and gave a small smile to Jessica as thank you. Yuri placed her daughter on the bed and draped her daughter in her blanket before turning to Jessica.

"There are somethings we need to discuss and clarify." Yuri said sternly. Jessica was taken aback by the cold tone Yuri used. She thought they were okay. They have managed to break the walls between them these past few days. What happened? Jessica's mind was in a turmoil.

Yuri was trying to think logically and rationally. she knew that the both of them are the victims of Tyler Kwon's scheme. But what happened while Jessica was away ? Why is she back? How ? What about the other Kwon? Millions of questions are threatening to burst within Yuri. Both of them walked into Yuri's study , Jessica sat opposite of Yuri on the leather couch. Suddenly, Yuri felt this urge to have a drink so she walked towards her mini bar and make herself a strong mix of alcohol . The room was quiet except for Yuri who was chewing on a piece of ice.

"What do you want to talk about Yuri? " Jessica asked timidly, she already had a  clue on what is on Yuri's mind. There's only one answer to Yuri's question. Tyler Kwon. Jessica sighed and leaned her body back against the couch , she knew this discussion would come. She struggled internally , she wanted to tell Yuri but telling Yuri the reason of her departure might cause the tanned girl to push her away again.

"The real reason you left. The whole story Jessica. No lies. I want the truth , no matter how ugly it is."

Jessica pinched her nose bridge , she felt the thumping on the back of her head. 'It is a headahce now, Yuri-ah please don't push me away after listening to my story'

"Yuri , promise me you will never push me away. At least not from Ji Ji. I don't want to hurt her. I want to be by her side. I want to grow along with her. Please Yuri. Promise me."

" How bad is it? How bad is the situation that you have to make a deal with me? " Yuri chuckled. She already knew the news would hurt her.

Jessica took a deep breath and


Jessica was rocking the wailing baby on her arm while looking at the clock it was already 1 in the morning and Yuri is still busy working. Ever since Yuri's father passed away suddenly due to a sudden heart attack , all of the company's workload fell on Yuri. To make matters worse , Kwon Corporation was in the middle of three lawsuits , and are neck deep in debts ; to make it short they were at the verge of bankruptcy. Old Mr. Kwon tried to revive his company but failed to do so before passing away. After his passing , the responsbility fell on Yuri who just had a baby with her wife.

Jessica tried to be understanding but their daughter was not an easy baby. Yuri was almost absent buried inside Kwon Corporations trying to turn the company around , searching for a solution. Jessica was left alone with their infant daughter with no one to turn to. Every day she woke up to an empty bed and fell asleep every night alone. She has no one to talk to as her friends are all asked to help Yuri and Tiffany was busy with her career as a surgeon , Krystal was far away in America and her parents are taking time off to travel the world. Her only source of hope is Yuri but that is if Yuri is free enough to even talk to her for a minute. To cut it short , Jessica was alone , lonely and scared. She had no idea what her baby wants , why is she running a fever and why is she crying so much ... she wanted Yuri to be by her side , to tell her it's okay. But she knew Yuri will be absent for some time.

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