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[Author's note]

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Being one of the older kids in the family, it was up to me to light the bonfire that Summer Solstice, I had to go outside into the pouring rain, though.

We were a shamanistic family, more modern than you would expect from a family of seven calling themselves shamanistic in twenty-first century Britain. But we were not too old-fashioned. Simple spirit communication, basic spells etcetera and of course the Summer- and Winter Solstice celebrations.

But I'd guess that this was the very Solstice my luck ran dry.

That night during the midnight lighting of the bonfire out in the backyard, a strong storm blew into the town. While it blew in, lightning flashed all over the town.

As the lightning slowly grew closer, I tried lighting the bonfire and after a loud crackle accompanied by a bright flash I felt a blast knocking me off balance. After that flash, I felt a hard blow to my back, my head crashed into what I could only expect would be the ground. Panicked shouts and yelling rolled over me briefly before everything went black in pain.

And then, the pain stopped.

What had happened, my best guess; lightning struck really close to me and... I guess killed me. So that's that, I died, probably.

I wound up as just another Shaman kid who didn't make it through one of his Sabbats at the hands of nature. One storm, one bolt of lightning too many around and that's that, gone. Dead.


And then I woke up gasping for air. Instead of agonizing pain, I felt nothing. No pain, no strange feeling body parts. Also nothing missing as I made a quick check of myself. Even my clothes were intact.

"I see you made it here in one piece. Let's get the introductions out of the way. I know you are Kevin Clarc... Although you might not know my face when you see it but," Someone said from behind me.

As I turned around I saw a man in his early thirties, long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He wore relatively modern clothes although they had a more Norse inspired style to them with the Viking-esque armguards.

"My name is Odin, Chief of the Gods and King of Asgard. I have a somewhat troublesome message to give you and I owe you my apologies." I looked at the man confused and shook my head.

"I can figure I died, I remember what I guess was a lightning strike hit me and..." The man shook his head in surprise, "Yes, well at least you figured that out on your own... but yes, you died, indeed. Although... as for the reason I must apologize, and the reason I brought you here..." He sighed deeply and took a deep breath.

"Is that it was indeed a stray lightning strike that has taken your life. And that is why I wish to make an agreement with you to, let's say, compensate for killing you." He said. This made the conversation a lot more confusing.

I died, okay that happens, I was raised in a Shamanistic family. I'm used to death around me, be it spirits of the dead I communed with, nature spirits I summoned for my magic often had seen their fair share of danger around them.

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