VOL.2 [Chapter 27, The teachings of Yggdrasil. PART 1.]

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[Author's note]

Sorry for the REALLY late upload today, date day with my gf for our nine months.

[Padge's perspective]

A week had passed since Pomae had been given chambers of her own in Gladsheim. Her mother had given her some words of advice right before she left for the road back to her own palace in Whitebridge.

But Pomae had been confused as to why both Alina and Alyssa were receiving training in combat based magic on top of Alyssa's swordsmanship training. Although the latter was suspended due to her pregnancy, she still received lessons in military tactics to keep her ready to command should the need arise.

"But why place your wife and daughter in such dangers?" Pomae asked me as I sat in the Spell Park with her and Alina, who was currently trying out a few variations on existing spells with my supervision.

"Your mother said you loved the stories of how I took Ganrosia from Duke Tah'kor. I would have thought you knew then how Alyssa found our daughter." I replied and Pomae shook her head.

"Unfortunately the bards always refused to elaborate on the origins of the Crown Princess and how the Empress escaped the castle without you by her side." She replied, her gaze downcast, as if she was speaking utter blasphemy.

"Ah, I see. I guess even most bards would find the very battles we face in the city distasteful to sing of in full. But it does discredit them as bringers of news, if I say so myself." I replied and next to me, Pomae looked up surprised.

"You mean to say you never forbade anyone of speaking of it?" She asked me, her eyes wide with wonder and I returned a confused glance. "Why would I? I'm no tyrant." I replied a little flustered and regained my composure just in time to ward of a spell that Alina had accidentally let go out of control.

"Eek!" Pomae exclaimed in shock as the spikes of black obsidian burst from the ground until I broke the mana-flow a few feet away from us.

"Alina, watch your focus. Keep awareness of your surroundings when you use spells like this. But it seems the transmutation into obsidian has worked. That is progress as well but try to direct the altered spell. Okay?" I called for my daughter who was at the center of the field of black, volcanic glass spikes that had ripped apart the ground.

"Don't worry, this is why I am around with these lessons for her." I calmly said to Pomae, who sat next to me with eyes wide with fear.

"H-how can a child so young c-cast s-spells like this?" She asked, her voice catching as she stuttered in her shock of the display Alina put up.

"That is actually part of why we adopted her." I said calmly and the half-faun girl next to me looked more confused by that than anything else.

"O-oh, don't get me wrong. We don't see her as a weapon for this, but the reason I let her experiment like this is because come her fourteenth birthday she will officially be appointed the Empire's court mage." I said hurriedly as I realized what the look on Pomae's face meant.

"O-oh... sorry." She spoke softly and let her head hang, but a calmly placed a hand on her shoulder. "I can understand the confusion though. But she really is unfit to be considered a weapon, her young age aside." I said and she looked up in surprise.

"Want to know the story those bards refused to give you?" I asked her and, although reluctantly, Pomae nodded, but then...

"Daddy... they won't go away!" Alina's shout came from the middle of the field of razor sharp black death spikes.

"Moment Dear!" I called to my daughter as I rose to my feet and smiled at Pomae.

"Now, don't be scared but this is the fastest way of taking care of this..." I said and stretched forward a single hand as I began to focus on a single rune, «Ansuz».

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