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Elsa's P.O.V.
The birds chirped and the wind whistled in my ear. We finally arrived at the castle. It seemed strange to arrive at a castle that wasn't mine. The gates were open with two guards standing on either side of them. Just as we were about to step in, Henry popped his head out at us. "Elsie, good to see you again. You too, Hans."

I gave him a sharp glare and Hans snapped back, "Don't call her that." That was the first time he had stood up for me. I felt a sense of pride and happiness. The person that had once tried to kill me was now standing up for me.

"Oh? My little brother is standing up for the queen? Just a little while ago, you were trying to kill her. Could there possibly be a relationship between you two?" I froze but kept my queen-like posture. I quickly unlatched my hand from his to avoid suspicion. But this action was done a little too late. Henry saw this and smiled slyly.

I calmed myself by taking a deep breath and asked, "What did you bring me here for?"

"Ah, yes. Almost forgot about that. Right this way," he directed. I followed and Hans also, not too far behind. Almost suddenly, Henry snapped his fingers and the guards' weapons stopped Hans from passing. I looked back and saw Hans face, turning red with anger. I was beginning to get scared but didn't show it.

Henry led me to a room not too far from where Hans was. Every once in a while I would look over in his direction to see if he was still there and okay. When I recognized my surroundings, I realized that the walls beared a small resemblance to the walls in my castle, every foot a picture hung by a frame.
"Have a seat," Henry said, pulling out my seat. I sat down and straightened the creases on my dress. He took a seat across from me. "Mabel?" he said, calling the servant that was standing near the wall over to me.

"Would you like something to drink?" she asked me.

"Oh, no thank you," I answered. She smiled, courtsied, then walked away.

"Elsa, you can't trust him. He is a cruel monster and a reckless murderer." All that went through my mind was, No. You don't know him. He's nothing like that. But I couldn't say anything. I wanted him to stay with me. So I kept my mouth shut. "He was sent to Arendelle so that he would learn his lesson. Not so that you two would become a couple. Just leave him. You deserve much better than that power hungry psychopath."

"He is not power hungry!" I argued. I felt ice forming at my finger tips and starting to spread on the table.

"Please, you know nothing about him. I have lived with him my entire life." That got me curious.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"He's been a killer his entire life. He even killed his own mother for the power." I gasped. Right then, I heard weapons clatter on the floor and saw Hans, his face blood shot with anger and sadness, run into the room and started punching Henry. I froze in terror and breathed heavily.

"Hans, stop!" I pleaded. I couldn't do anything but watch. Until I had had enough.

"Enough!" I yelled, slamming both of my hands on the table. Ice froze the part of the table I had slammed and I gasped. I looked at Hans and saw him bruised badly but with a worried expression. I looked at Henry, breathing heavily, and saw that a sly smile had curled on his lips. I looked from Hans to Henry and back again. I couldn't stand to see them like that so I fled from the room, treating burning in my eyes. Exiting the room, I heard Hans call to me to came back. But that just made me want to go faster. I didn't know where to go. All I knew was that I had to get out of that position. I arrived at another waiting room when I felt a warm hand pull me back. The same hand that had chilled mine.

"Elsa, please. Wait." I turned around and saw Hans. I tugged my hand away from his and kept walking deeper into the room.

"Why did I trust you?" I asked in a shaky voice. I was scared of him. His brother just announced that he killed his mother and not too long ago he had started punching Henry.

"Elsa, you don't understand."

"No. You're right. I don't understand," I said with a more firm voice this time. I turned around and saw Hans, his eyes looking at the floor once more. It had been forever since he did that last. It killed me to see him like that.

"I never killed my mother," he started explaining. I wanted to listen. But some part of me couldn't take it.

"That's what you've always said. That trick is getting old," I warned him. But he just continued. I knew he wanted to change my mind about it. I also wanted to change my mind. But somehow, some part of me wouldn't allow it.

"She died in a war. She was protecting me and my twelve older brothers from the soldiers. Henry had always been jealous of me for my luck and skill. One day, our mother went out to find food for us but she never came back. Being the oldest, Henry had to take care of us. Bring us food, find shelter, protect us from anything." But one question still wasn't answered.

"What about your father?"

"He was busy taking care of intruders and running his kingdom." I really felt bad for him. It was almost as if he never had a dad. Come to think of it, almost like Anna. Sure she had a dad, my dad, but he really wouldn't do much with her. I remembered that he would usually come to help me with my crisis more than play with her and be with her in general. That was probably why she would constantly knock on my door and ask to play.

"I'm sorry Hans," I sympathized.

"It's fine." He inhaled and continued, "One day Henry went out to find our mother. I got curious and also wanted to find her. We finally found her, but too late. She was lying on the floor, soaked with blood." I gasped. He lived without a mother, father, or older brother. "What's worse, Henry, being the leader of the brothers, convinced everyone that I had killed our mother. My three eldest brothers ignored me, literally. For three years."

"That's horrible," I said. He drooped his head. All of a sudden, I heard footsteps on the floorboards.
"Elsa, we have to go," he said rushed, almost panicked, as he pulled me out of the room. He had never sounded like that. That was what scared me.

"Hans . . ." I couldn't catch my breath. And even if I did, I didn't know what to say. Just as we were about to exit the castle, the guards that had held Hans back from me and Henry prevented us from escaping.
"Leaving so soon?" a sly voice spoke. We quickly turned and saw Henry not too far behind. "Well I'm afraid Hans will have to stay. He has some business to take care of."
"What?! He can't stay here!" I objected. I regretted what I said as soon as the words came out. What did I do? What mess did I put Hans and myself into?
"Oh? And why is that? He does have a life to live other than your lovey dovey life. Unless you think otherwise." I felt the back of my neck burn with anxiety and terror. Hans squeezed my hand tightly and I felt his warmth press against my cold hand. I wanted to keep him safe. The truth is, I love him.
"No," I said shyly. I felt his squeeze slowly soften until his hand wasn't on mine anymore. I lied too much. More weight was on me than ever. But if I had said something different, Hans could have been killed.
"Very well. You are dismissed," he said, waving his hand in a shooing motion, then walked away. I felt Hans was still next to me, towering over like an intimidating giant.
"Hans, I'm sorry." I let my head droop down and I slightly slumped my shoulders. I felt hot tears gathering in my eyes. Just the thought of leaving Hans nearly killed me.
"It's okay. I understand." He always understood me. Even if it was in the tiniest way.
"You do?" He also sparked hope in me. I looked up and saw him smiling and nodding. I leaned in closer for a hug and he welcomed me in his arms. As soon as I pulled away, I started getting worried. The time was coming when I had to leave.
"Are you sure you're going to be safe?"
"I'll be fine, okay?"

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