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Elsa's P.O.V.

I awoke in a rather curious place. It didn't look like Holmsbu. And I didn't know that I had fallen asleep. It was probably after Henry had captured me. Henry captured me. And Hans!

I sat up and looked around. Hans was nowhere to be seen. I stood up carefully and walked around to examine were I was. By the looks of it, the room was built out of stone. I then spotted a window, not too far away from me. As soon as I looked through it, anxiety and panic crashed within me. We weren't in Holmsbu. We were back in the Southern Isles.

Just then, I heard the door creak open behind me. I whipped my head around and saw that it was just Henry. Just the man who attempted to kill me and his own brother not too long ago. "I'm glad to see you're awake." I walked to him normally, slowly picking up speed as my anger grew within me. He backed away, an evil grin creeping on his face. Just as I was a few inches away from him, I felt a tug on my hands, preventing me from going any further. I stepped back and examined my hands. Guess the brothers all have the same tactic. As before, I was chained. "Oh. You really thought I would let you off that easy? How cute," he taunted and chuckled a little. I saw my breath, icy and misty, as I narrowed my eyes. "There is no need to get angry. You clearly deserve it," he said, backing away from me even more. Then his expression changed to a thoughtful one. "But of course, there is a way you can escape," he said slyly. That got me curious.

"And what might that be?" I asked as politely as possible. The rope that had kept me from speaking was no longer there. At least I had a little more freedom now.

A strange smile crossed his lips as he said, "Marriage."

My eyes widened at the word and I stumbled back a little. Marry him? In no way was that possible. I would rather stay here for the rest of my life than marry him. My expression changed to one of pure disgust. "Never."

"It's your choice Elsa. I'll let you reconsider. Tell me once you have decided. Have a good night." With that, he exited the jail cell and locked the door from the outside. What was I going to do? What was I supposed to do? I went back to the window, the only access I had to the outside world, an admired the scenery. I wished I was back in Arendelle. Oh, how I missed Anna and Phoenix. I could end up staying here forever if I didn't say yes. But I couldn't say yes. If I said yes, I would have to deal with him the rest of my life. I don't want him. I want Hans.

I carried myself back to the wooden bench that was a makeshift bed and curled up into a ball. I hid my head between my knees and started thinking, Of all people, why me? Sadness swirled within me like the snow. I've given up the only friend I'll ever know. With that I started sobbing for what seemed like eternity, until I finally drifted off.

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