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Elsa's P.O.V.

Hans and I took a seat at the edge of the marketplace, where a calm stream waited. I sighed happily and smiled, looking up at Hans. He looked down at me and smiled. He took my hand, enveloped it in his, and squeezed it. Just as he had done when I was leaving from the Southern Isles. "Today has been one of the best days of my life," I remarked, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Well I'm glad you liked it." Then the thought struck me. My flowers!

"I think we should go," I said hurriedly, springing my head up from his shoulder.

"Why be so rushed?" he asked.

"Something doesn't feel right." Something didn't. It wasn't exactly my flowers. I mean, yes I wanted to check on them, see how they're doing. But something in me was bothering me to the point that I would start an internal war.

"Okay then," he said, standing up from the bench.

I had already started walking away from him when I said, "I'll go on ahead. See you there." I waved at him and turned away immediately, hoping to find what had been bugging me as soon as possible.


Walking up the hill, my suspicions were cleared. Everything looked pretty normal to me. But I felt that something was missing.

Looking around once more, I realized something was missing. But who would take him? He couldn't have just run away.

"Snow! Come here boy!" I called. I continued looking around but he never appeared. Suddenly, I heard whispering and snickering. "Who's there?" I asked, holding up my hands, ready to attack.

"Oh, how rude of me. How have you been, Elsie?" Immediately I knew who this man was. But how did he know we were here? I felt panic and anxiety slowly take over me. But I tried to keep it in and contain it. Hans would never find out that his brother was here.

"How did you know we were here?" I asked, still holding up my guard.

"Because I know my brother. One of the disadvantages you have." He was not going to put me down. I don't go down very easily.

"What do you want from me?" He snapped his fingers and two men wearing black approached me. Before I had time to react, they grabbed me by the arms and kept me there.


The more I struggled to get out, the tighter the grip got. Until I couldn't keep my energy in anymore.

I fired icicles from my hand to the two men and they stumbled back, releasing me. I looked back at Henry and saw that an evil grin was plastered on his face. But this fight wasn't between the two of us. As the men came closer to me yet again, Henry disappeared into the shadows.

Pure anger surged through me. I shot a blast of ice at the man standing to my left and he was pushed away from me. From the corner of my eye, I saw the other man heading straight for me. Swiftly, I turned to face him and shoot his side, just to catch him off guard. He stumbled back a little but regained his balance quickly. Just as I was about to blast him once more, I felt ice cold hands cover my mouth and nose, preventing me from speaking and breathing. I tried slithering out of the hands but they were locked onto my mouth tight. I then realized that I was being dragged into the house. My lungs felt heavy in my chest and my eyelids started drooping as I slowly began slipping away into a state of unconsciousness.

Soon enough, the hands released me and I collapsed on the floor, just a few more seconds in them and I would have fainted. My heart was racing, pounding in my chest as I tried unsuccessfully to get back up. All of my energy had been wasted when I was struggling to get out.

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