chapter 3

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My lips parted in shock because of what my grandmother said. I looked at her like she had grown two heads while shaking my head full of objection. Bodyguard?! Is she kidding me?! Me with a bodyguard? Is that a joke?!

"W-What are you saying, granny? I don't need a bodyguard!" I tried to be as calm as possible but I failed miserably. I was almost at lost for words that I wanted to scream in frustration. This is why I don't come here often at my grandparent's house because my grandmother would surely do things like this.

She always does what she thinks is right even though I don't like it. Most of the time, she's so persistent and compulsive. But when she told me that she wanted me to meet someone, I've never thought that it would end up like this. I don't need a body guard! I am a trained secret agent for goodness' sake! I can protect myself! If my comrades knew about this, they would laugh at me for sure.

Even though I wanted to tell her that, I couldn't because my job is a top secret and I just couldn't go around telling them about it just like that. I've sworn under an oath not to say anything about it whatever the circumstances that may arise. I groaned inwardly.

The worst part is she's telling me that she wants Stephen to be my bodyguard! Seriously?! Out of all the people in the world that my grandmother would choose as my body guard, the last person that I would never accept to guard me was the one she hired?! What the hell!

I wanted to think that this was all just a dream and I would wake up anytime soon and everything would turn normal again but I knew that it was just a wishful thinking because this is really happening!

"You do. You need a bodyguard" she said with finality. I looked at Stephen but his face was void with any emotion. Our eyes met but I couldn't even read any emotion in those graphite-grey eyes of his. He was staring at me intently like he was trying to read what's on my mind.

"I am going to try my luck as a senator this incoming election and I want you to be safe wherever you go. I'll announce my candidacy tomorrow so I need you to cooperate with me" I shook my head again. My grandmother is currently the governor in our area and I thought, she would stop being in politics after her term, but no. I didn't even know that she has any plans of trying her luck as one of the senators of the nation! WTH!

She had been insisting for me to have a personal bodyguard since I was young but my parents didn't like the idea. But during those times when my father goes to another country for a mission, we had bodyguards. My mother couldn't do anything about it because it was what my grandmother wanted. Well, it was for our protection anyway.

When my mother and I left for New York, my mother told my grandparents that she wanted to live normally and she didn't like any bodyguards following us around. Granny respected my mother's decision because she knew that we left my father back then because it was his fault. He couldn't give up his job for us.

When my parents got back together, my grandmother remained quiet and didn't bring out the idea of giving us bodyguards for protection again which is very unusual of her.

I thought, she already gave up with that idea but I was wrong.

"But I thought you're going to retire from the politics after your term as a governor?" I couldn't help but to voice out what's on my mind. She smiled at me.

"Sweetie, I've never said that. Years ago, I already started my preparations to be a senator and this is the right time for that. I already have all the support that I need and I won't miss that for the world. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity" I shook my head in disbelief.

His Deceit(The beauty & the possessive series 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now