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I smiled alongside my family to my left and best friend on my right. We all wave at anyone coming out the white church doors and they did the same back.

It was normal for the church to be crowded on a Sunday but it was a little too overcrowded since they started doing construction on the other church down the street.

So I said farewell to the ongoing people, and even to the unfamiliar faces before Jordan nudged my shoulder a bit.

"3 o'clock." She whispered over to me. We both looked over to the family walking down the stairs.

She was mentioning Kami Goodwin, who even thought attended church and dressed up in her tight Sunday attire was still such a shameful sinner.

"She's such a whore." Jordan grunted in a low voice afraid of my parents hearing her, "She probably would've tried to hook up with Jesus if he was still alive."

We both laughed a bit at the statement before my dad shot us both a look. I let out a cough trying to play it off before leaning back over to Jordan.

"Who wears a club dress to church?" I commented as well, "Someone's trying to rack up the offerings."

Jordan smiled wide obviously satisfied with my word choicing, "Dont let your dad hear that."

We both eyed the reverend as he said goodbye to the last family coming out, blessing them and saying a little prayer with my mom, and sending them on there way.

"That was an amazing service honey." My mom smiled giving him a tight hug as he smiled as well looking over at us.

"Jordan, you haven't already left." He said.

Jordan and my dad got into the biggest argument over some bible verse and ever since then it's been a very hard time trying to keep the tension between them down.

He thinks she's not that good of an influence on me, she think otherwise, and I'm left with no say because apparently it doesn't matter.

"I'm riding with Charlie." She muttered before looking over at me for confirmation, she already knew the answer, "I'll be waiting by the car."

As soon as she walked away my dad walked over to me giving me a hard stare, "I want you straight home, you hear?"

I sighed, "We're just going to go out for ice cream, its just turned 12."

"Home Charlotte." He repeated once again this time in a much more deeper and shrill type of voice, "Drop Jordan off and maybe tonight we'll go out for ice cream."

It wasn't going to be the same. Going out with Jordan meant that she could fill me in on every drama filled story that I have been excluded from knowing.

But with my dad...

That meant bible study and him lecturing me on just about everything that I'll ever do in my life.

I didn't even try to convince him or ask my mom for help because she literally obeyed everything he ever said.

"Yes, sir." I pushed out before pulling my keys from my purse and walking down the cement stairs.

Jordan was waiting at the bottom of them for me getting up and shooting me a 'what did he say about me this time' kind of look.

"Looks like we need to reschedule." I sigh making her groan as well, "Maybe tomorrow we can stay after and then talk."

"Can't, I have drama practice." She groaned rolling her eyes, "Charlie I don't want to be that friend, but your dad is literally ruining our friendship."

I wanted to agree with her. But in the end whether I saw it 2 days or 2 years down the road, he was always right. I didn't want to say he was right about Jordan being a bad influence but she wasn't the most innocent person I've been friends with.

"Oh gosh." She once again groaned making me snap out my own thoughts and follow her eyes, "What is my dumb brother doing now?"

She sighed walking over to the group of boys leaned against the car. The cloud of smoke occasionally made its way out of the group and then followed by a laugh of some short.

I was told not to associate with Jordan's brother because he was in fact a 'child of Satan.' I mean I thought Kami Goodwin was a horrible person but James was kind of on a whole different building - especially with his friends around.

I followed behind Jordan as she tapped her brothers shoulder, "Mom gives you your car back for church and you miss the whole service? What exactly are you thinking?"

"Moms sick, she's not here." He begin, "It's not like she's going to know, unless you and preachers daughter here tell her."

Oh the nickname had stuck since I started high school. The cons of being the most known reverends daughter in town were totally worse than the pros.

I raised an eyebrow looking at him and his friends as they all looked in my direction.

My dad always said the devil was disguised as a beautiful creature, and right now he couldn't have been more right. When I locked eyes with the brown beauty's I had felt like my dad was sitting on my shoulder watching me make my shameful mistake.

And I felt disgusted with the thought that for once I felt shameful.

So I quickly looked away down to the floor waiting for Jordan to finish cursing her brother for lying and using her moms small cold as an excuse to roam around for hours.

"-tell that to mom when you see her!" She snapped before turning around and basically storming past me.

I looked over my shoulder as she approached my car already getting in. I looked back at the group of guys before forcing a tight smile and turning on my heel making my way to the car as well.

When I approached the drivers side I took one last glance at the devil in disguised himself. To my surprise he was already looking over to me and when I noticed the forming twisted smirk on his face and felt my eyes lock with his, I quickly got into the car taking a deep breath before looking over at Jordan.

She hurriedly slipped on the seatbelt, "Take the long way."

"Jordan I really have to be home, my dad was serious-" I tried to explain before she just groaned rolling her eyes.

"Do you wanna hear about Kami Goodwin and her slutty story or what?"

"Long way it is."


here's what I've been working on for about a month 😭, it's sad to say I'm so horrible and balancing my school life with my wattpad life.

But luckily now I can just badly manage my wattpad life since school is out.

I first made a book called church girl when I first started my account, obviously before I knew the LOML's existed.

So here it is again, revamped and WAAYY more dirtier. Enjoy some smut in the book because it's gonna be my first book writing it in.

If it makes you cringe, imagine how I felt writing it AND proof reading it... yikes.

Anyways, opinions?

p.s. is Megan Fox just a total fucking Badie or what??

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