t w e l v e

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By the time I had gotten home and successfully snuck in without waking my parents it was far past midnight.

The ice cream booth was far from the house but the peak was even further. So after the long drive back and dropping Jack off at James I had finally returned home.

I tiptoed in my room as Jacks shirt stuck to my skin and I used my own shirt as a towel to dry my hair.

I quickly went into my room letting out a deep breath before turning on the light and walking towards my bed. And of course Riley was sitting down like she was waiting for my arrival.

"Where the hell have you been?" She quietly yelled as I just walked over to the closet and picked out something to sleep in, "What happened to you? Why are you all wet?"

"I fell in a puddle." I lied going into my bathroom and turning the light on.

"Was the puddle six feet deep?" She asked.

I stared at myself in the mirror and I looked worse than I felt. The white shirt had gone completely see through, my hair was stuck to my face, and I'm pretty sure there were leaves on my arms.

I walked back out picking my phone up and checking the time, "I don't want to talk about it right now, it's late and I want to take a shower."

"You were with that kid?" She asked as I just ignored her returning to the bathroom, this time she had gotten up and followed me, "Were you?"

"If I was?" I asked her looking at her through the mirror.

She crossed her arms over her chest, "I had to catch a ride with James, did you know that?"

"Well if you wouldn't have lied about what happened the first time, it wouldn't be a problem." I snap pushing her away from the door, "We'll talk later, not now."

I closed the door locking it and finally stripping from the gross clothes.

I was worn down from today's adventure and definitely needed the sleep. Summer was bringing me to many adventures and I was ready for school to start back up to I can avoid making any other bad decisions.

I looked back at my phone and sure enough jack had texted me asking me if I had made it home safe.

I stared at the text before deleting it, remember no evidence.

If there's no evidence, no one can accuse me of anything.

Especially not anything involving Jack Gilinsky.


I was nearly asleep at the dining room table and slowly eating my breakfast. Something about 3 hours of sleep was not sitting well with me. I had only been awake for an hour and I was already eager to jump back into bed.

I jumped awake as Riley slammed her plate of food down in front of me, "Good morning sunshine, how'd you sleep?"

"Shut it." I groaned rubbing my eyes with the palm of my hand, "There's bacon?"

"Are you going to tell me what happened or do I need to force it out of you?" She then asked dodging my question, "or should I be letting our father know when he arrives?"

I looked at her seriously raising an eyebrow, "You so have no place to blackmail me. I still remember the James scenario, liar."

"Touché, Preachers daughter." She muttered leaning back in her seat with her arms crossed, "I'm not going to tell dad-"

"-you literally just threatened to tell him." I say rolling my eyes and taking a bite of my cold eggs.


"Because I thought you'd tell me anyways." She sighed now looking over to me with a sad look, "We're friends too, I tell you stuff."

"Years after it's happened." I add as she just rolled her eyes biting hard into her bacon, "Nothing interesting happened, there's no reason to tell you."

Riley rolled her eyes like what I was saying was unbelievable. I mean it was not the truth but it wasn't like I was actually lying to her.

"Sammy stopped by." She then said as I looked up from my plate and looking at her, "After we got back, what did you expect me to tell him?"

"What did you tell him?" I asked her kind of squinting my eyes.

"The truth." She smiled before picking her plate up eating the last piece of bacon, "Because hiding only leads to problems."

preachers daughter + jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now