e l e v e n

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"This is a lake."

I looked over the shimmer water as the moon reflected onto it glowing it even more. Jack and I were currently standing at the edge of some cliff looking down at the water.

"This is the peak." He informed me peering over the ledge before backing away and walking to my car, "The one place in this town that only the youth know about."

"So what are we doing here?" I asked walking away from the edge surprised I didn't trip and fall down into the water.

I turned around facing my car only for Jack to be stripping his shirt off and exposing his upper body.

I froze giving him a confused look, "What in gods name are you doing?"

He peaked his head out throwing the shirt on the roof of the car before leaning on it and taking his shoes off.

"Going for a swim, perfect weather." He smiled successfully getting one off, "Care to join me?"

"Absolutely not!" I exclaimed, "I'm not taking my clothes off to get in some weird lake in the middle of the woods, have you seen Friday the 13th?"

He laughed looking up at me and picking up his shirt and throwing it at me, "Then use my clothes as swimming attire, I don't care, stop being such a prude."

"A prude?" I said raising an eyebrow, "This doesn't exactly bring me joy, I don't jump off cliffs everyday."

"Exactly." He say pulling his pants down, "Eleanor Roosevelt once said, do one thing everyday that scares you. And this is pretty fucking scary."

I turned my back on him the moment his pants his his ankles and just looked down at the water once again.

I can't believe I was even thinking of jumping off this thing.

I closed my eyes sighing, "God help me."

Jack appeared next to me completely stripped from his clothes, thankfully he kept his boxers on but I was still tempted to look.

"If you hurry we can jump together." He said looking down at the water.

"Shut up." I groaned walking to the car and placing his shirt on the hood. I gripped the bottom of my shirt ready to take it off before looking over at my shoulder at Jack, who was indeed watching me.

"Turn around creep."

He laughed turning his back to me as I quickly lifted my shirt off and feeling the cool summer air wrap around my bare stomach before throwing Jacks shirt on.

It fit like a small dress.

I quickly took off my leggings and feeling the wind on my legs this time. I muttered several sayings under my breath, including a little prayer before tying my hair up.

I walked back up to the edge and stood beside Jack who was looking down at me.

"Could I get used to you in my shirts." He smirked as I just rolled my eyes, "On three."

"One-" I counted my breathing becoming heavy.


Jack grabbed my hand.


In my mind as I was going down I just felt my dad in my head giving me the meanest and hardest stare I'd ever received. If this ever slipped I was going to be on the next flight to London for a boarding school away from any testosterone.

I hit the water feeling the ice cold water wrap around my body like a blanket. I held my breath not even daring to open my eyes before coming to the surface taking a deep breath.

I looked around not feeling Jacks hand in mine anymore. I shoved my hair out my face looking around in the dark before something pulled my leg and I was under water again.

I came back up gasping for air and turning around at Jack laughing his head off. His hair was not covering his forehead and he looked even better in the mysterious dark.

"That wasn't funny!" I shout splashing water at him, "You didn't mention the water being below freezing."

"You didn't asked." He said before laying on his back. I swam over to him pushing his body down and watching the water consume him before breaking into a laugh.

"Now that wasn't funny." He said coming back up, "Isn't this just great, being alone, nobody around and just chilling."

"If you like being alone." I say floating on my back as well and looking at the stars.

"Don't tell me that's your fear." He muttered.

"I guess I've always had someone looking over me, making sure what I was doing was the right thing, it's weird to even think of that just to stop."

The sounds of natura were the only thing to be heard after that.

I felt Jacks hand gently touch mine and the continued to play around my fingers. He looked over to be as I stood up in the water looking back at him.

He walked closer and I almost lost it. This wasn't the same feeling from when we first met or even the coffee shop or the late night phone call.

This was tension between the legs, in my heart, in my head.

What was this guy doing?

He grabbed one of my hands interlocking our fingers as I stared at him like I was dumbfounded. I couldn't speak, I couldn't stay anything, I was completely frozen.

As soon as he leaned down a bright light flashed on the both of us. I jumped back in the water staring up at the cliff where sure enough a flashlight was focused just on us.

"Alright kids, you're trespassing." The deep voice rang.

"Shit." Jack muttered under his breath before guiding us both the a small trail where we both walked up.

Yes, there was a freaking trail.

I crossed my arms over my chest freezing from the water and walking with my head down up to the cliff. I prayed it wasn't someone who associated with my dad, I actually almost jumped back off the cliff from the imagine of seeing someone I knew.

"Hi dad." Jack answered as soon as he stopped at the trail.

My jaw opened a bit as I looked over at Jack, you have got the be kidding me.

The sherrif caught us.

"What the hell are you doi-" he stopped himself as he flickered his flashlight over to me shaking his head at my sight, "Jack Finnegan Gilinsky, What the hell are you doing with the preachers daughter?"

Jack looked down at me, "Nothing you're thinking. We had a few hours in our hands, we decided to go for a swim."

He looked at his watch, "At 11 at night?"

"It's 11?" I exclaimed looking at the sheriff, "Oh I'm so screwed."

He shook his head still shining the light on us before pressing on his walkie, "Some deer fell into the lake again, no trespassers, over and out."

He paused still looking over at us in shame, "We'll keep this between us, but if I see you or you Charlie down here after hours, I will call your parents and you will go into the holding cell."

"The holding cell?" I repeated back shivering at the thought alone, "You will not have this problem again, thanks you sheriff."

He just nodded his head before pointing at Jack, "I want you home tomorrow. No more time with James, you hear?"

"Yes sir." Jack groaned before his dad just patted his shoulder and walking back over to his car.

"Tell the pastor I loved the speech last Sunday!" He shouted back over to me, "Something about teen disobedience is really getting to the kids."

You're telling me.

preachers daughter + jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now