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Saturday was my day off of any chores or requirements by the church. So I finally could lay up in bed all day with Jordan at my desk area watching YouTube videos and me on my phone doing exactly the same thing.

"So I found the number of that church your dad was looking at last year." She said as I flipped over to my stomach now, "Do you have a pen?"

I pointed over to my jacket which was hanging on the door and resuming my video. I heard the chair roll over to the bedroom door and then her rummaging through my pockets.

"I don't drink coffee." She read making me shoot up and looking at her reading the crumpled napkin, "You went out for coffee with Jack?"

"No!" I protest before lowering my voice, "We just so happened to be there at the same time-"

"-and you got his number?" She than ask raising an eyebrow, "I thought you were magic for dating Sam but now your reeling in Gilinsky. How do you do it?"

"It's not like that." I groan snatching the napkin away from her and staring down at the number, "He was asking about service, that's it."

"Yeah because people like him care about Gods word." She rolled her eyes pushing the chair back over to the desk where I stood at, "Did you call him?"

"No why would I?"

"Well he didn't give you his number for you to stare at it." She muttered. I crossed my arms over my chest like a kid as she let out a grunt exiting off youtube and opening iMessage, "Looks like you thought about it."

I looked at my computer screen and certainly the composing message with his number locked in at the top was still there.

"But then I thought it through." I said minimizing the screen, "And there's no logical reason to be talking to him. Stop encouraging me to be unfaithful."

"I'm not-"

"Charlotte may we please talk?"

Jordan and i jumped at my dads voice behind the door. I slammed the computer shut and throwing a few folders over it as Jordan just ran into the bathroom not even wanting to be in the same room as my dad.

"Come in." I say once the bathroom door is closed, "I was just working on home-"

"I thought I told you to handle the James problem." He cut me off as I stared at him confused, "Did you not have a talk with him?"

"I did." I said.

"He looked me straight in my eyes as I walked out of prep today." He complained looking at an empty space in the room as if he was reimagining it, "What did I say? Either get him out the parking lot or I'll call the cops."

"Daddy I cant control what James does." I say playing with one of the rings on my finger, "It'll go in one ear and out the other."

He let out a deep sigh realizing that this wasn't my problem. He just stared around the room looking for evidence that I was indeed doing homework before staring at my desk filled with paper.

"Where's Jordan?" He asked as he walked up and I turned around automatically watching the napkin fall to the ground from the ceiling fan.

Oh no.

"Right here." Jordan exclaimed walking out the bathroom diverting my dads attention from the napkin and I used my foot to cover it and act like nothing even happened, "Pre-cal is hard isn't Mr Ryder."

She playfully punched my dad on the arm as I held back at a laugh while he just gave her a mono stare not even sending her a crack of a smile.

"Dinner will be ready soon." He finally said before walking out of the room leaving Jordan and I alone at last.

"You better burn that napkin."

preachers daughter + jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now