f o u r t e e n

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I sat at my desk area admiring the silver ring between my fingers and staring at the imprints and trying to convince myself that maybe this is what I wanted. I mean my dad could now stop his worrying now that I had a purity rings to basically make a statement about my innocence.

I wanted my innocence but I didn't want it to be broad casted to everyone I knew.

I let out a deep sigh placing it back on my finger and walking towards the kitchen where my mom and Riley were talking and eating straight from the ice cream carton.

With my dad being out most of the day it gave the three of us some time to talk about things that we couldn't around him, just to avoid the lecture.

"I didn't know you were home." My mom said licking her spoon clean, "Did you go talk to your dad earlier?"

I nodded my head walking to the fridge and getting out the cold orange juice before getting a cup from the cabinet, "Do you know when he's coming home?"

My mom shrugged, "Probably late, it's Monday, he's always late at the office then church."

I nodded my head before running back upstairs with the cup and searching for my phone around the clutter. Once finding it I quickly dialed Jordan's number but then quickly getting interrupted by Jack's caller ID.

I stared at it letting it ring for a bit before answering it. I didn't know what Jack and I had to talk about and for some reason with this ring on my finger I had hoped the stomach drops and gutting would go away for every time we talked.

I had this feeling I was beginning to spend more time with Jack than Sammy himself.

"Hello?" I asked pressing it against my ear.

"Mason County is having a five dollar movie night." He immediately said, "Me, you, your sister, James, and Jordan, sounds good?"

It sounded alright but also like it was missing someone, someone who I was currently dating.

I sighed silently, "I don't want the crowd right now."

There was a pause on the line like he was trying to understand what I was saying, "Just us?"

"For now."

"I'll be there soon."

I moved away from my desk area sliding on shoes and pushing my phone and wallet into my back pocket. If this was the only getaway I could have for the moment then I'd join Jack on his adventures any day, regardless of who was there.

I walked in to the bathroom making sure my appearance was okay before cracking my door open trying to hear the sound of my sister and my mom. Just like my dad I didn't need both of them asking me question after question about where I was going.

Riley was already on my ass for the events two nights ago and my mom was probably clueless.

I quietly walked past the the kitchen not seeing or hearing the two before going out the front door and feeling the warm air rush around my body. My mom's car was no longer in the driveway so obviously they had left and I was playing spy for no reason.

For the next fifteen minutes I walked back inside and out my house trying to pass time until I seen the familiar car I watched at a gas station once pull up to the curve and the driver side door flying open.

I walked up to the passenger side right as Jack got out where he just looked over the hood smirking at me a bit.

"Where to misses?" He asked as I open the door looking right back over to him. I smiled getting the reference leaning onto the top of the car holding the tension filled eye contact with him.

"To the peak."


currently obsessed with that song atm.

Where has a bitch been, lol! I've been slacking so bad with updates but I hardly get inspired to write anymore and when I do come down to updating it never comes out how it is in my head.

but I promise i'll get on it.

also I took a nap after school today and had a dream I was in the walking dead and I was Daryl's sidekick because we ALL love him. (even thought I stopped watching after season 6)

anyways, opinions?

preachers daughter + jack GilinskyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora