t h i r t y

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I had managed to find some times to sleep last night despite my mind racing with a million things. I had left everything a mess in my room not even bothering to clean it up or finish packing. For once I couldn't do anything about the situation I was in and it made me feel useless.

I had only gotten around three hours of sleep and the sound of my mom trying to quietly put down a glass of orange juice and a bowl of oatmeal and toast woke me up pretty easily.

"I didn't mean to wake you." She smiled as I rolled over in bed looking at her. She took a seat beside me brushing back the mess of hair that was beginning to cover my eyes, "Did you sleep well?"

"Not one bit." I yawn while sitting up and picking up the cup of orange juice, "Dad's at work?"

She shook her head, "He went to go talk to Sammy's parents. He felt as if they should know you two are no longer together."

"I wonder what he's going to tell him." I say sarcastically rolling my eyes and putting the glass down. I groan running a hand through my tangled hair and starting to feel trapped in yesterday's clothing, "I'm sorry mom."

She smiled weakly, "I don't care Charlie. You're still my daughter regardless of what you did. Some relationships aren't meant to last and that's just how life is."

"Yeah but I cheated on him." I say, I never thought I'd say those words.

She nodded her head trying to find something else that was reassuring to say, "You're a kid, both of you will get over it. Now, I brought some actual suitcases so you don't have to use that ugly bag."

I had looked around the messy room and at the big bag sitting right in the middle of it. I didn't even want to remember the words that were exchanged last night, a part of me felt they were true and I should just pack up and move to the most secluded part of Georgia with my grandparents.

"Take a shower, I'll put on some coffee, and then figure out how you're going to get your car back." She pushed another stray hair out from my face before getting up and walking out of my room.

I felt a little more comfortable with my mom sticking by my side since she hardly ever did, she always agreed with my dad but for once, she didn't want me to feel like he made me feel.

I got up from my bed and picking up my phone that had fallen on the floor. I don't know why I was expecting a dozen missed calls from a certain someone like I hadn't told him to stop contacting me.

After a shower and calming down my body I had went into the kitchen where my mom was cleaning up today's breakfast up. I didn't have an appetite and if I ate something I was almost for certain I'd throw it back up.

"Get the mail for me." She insisted. I slid on a pair of someone else's house shoes before walking out the door at the time time the mailman was pulling away.

It was sunny out but windy which had meant today would've been a perfect day to hang out with friends but until my big move I'm pretty sure I was grounded for the rest of my life.

I stopped as the familiar car pulled in front of the mailbox and parked. I waited for some type of movement from the car before Sammy had gotten out the drivers side.

He was still dressed in his sleepwear as well, it wasn't early in the morning and I had never seen Sammy just throw something together and not care for his appearance.

He stopped behind his car staring at me in the driveway. With my shorts on I had felt uncomfortable as if he was looking at me the same way my dad started looking at me.

"Hey." He called out squinting his eyes from the sun but still looking up the driveway at me.

"Hey." I say back still not looking away from him, "What are you doing here?"

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