t w e n t y

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"You said this was a small kickback." I muttered over to Jordan as she just looked around at her surroundings as well, "This isn't small."

"Or you've never been to a social outing." James said making me roll my eyes at the statement choosing to ignore that comment, "This is what teenage life looks like Charlie."

"I've been to events before!" I snapped over to him. Did any of them include people my age? Rarely.

"Let's just get a drink and let loose." James smirked backing away from us. I have my values and not drinking was one of them. My dad had let me drink wine on Christmas but other than that I had avoided it.

James has already disappeared into the other kids leaving me with Jordan and Jack who even though we were all friends the party tension was making me feel uncomfortable. I was guessing Jack had noticed it by the way he has inched closer to me to the point where his presence behind me made me nervous.

"I can see your sweat beads forming." He muttered over to me as I just shifted uncomfortably, "Calm down Charlie, you're going to have fun."

"Fun and I don't get along." I sighed still outlooking the rave. I had watched dirty dancing once, on accident, and the moves the people were doing kind of replicated that.

Some other kids drank and sat at the edge of the peak and others were already jumping down into the chilling waters.

"Just act natural." He hand reached for my hand and leading me towards the poorly set up plastic table. I watch then talk to each other before watching Jack and I approach them and quickly eyeing the both of us.

"Jack, you didn't tell me you were bringing guest." The taller one said lowering his cup and admiring me, "Now how did a sweet girl like you get stuck with an asshole like him?"

"Fuck off Mickey." Jack snapped going into the cooler and pulling out a cold soda, "How did a drop out like you even get invited to a teen party?"

The other boys laughed as Jack passed me back the soda and pulling himself out a cold water. I had shaken the water dripping from the can and releasing Jack's hand to open the soda.

"That's Sammy's girl anyway." Another boy broke in.

"Couldn't tell." The alleged Mickey smirked as I just tried my best to not roll my eyes, "So the reverends daughter is finally coming out of her chapel?"

"Shut up." Jack groaned again pushing Mickey back and leading us both away from the table, "So that's one of Oakland's dropouts."

"Couldn't tell." I say sarcastically taking a sip of my soda, "So how long do these parties last?"

"A few hours." He said, "Until people start getting drunk and passing out or the police show up."

I had almost choked on my soda. I didn't need another encounter with the cops, especially the sheriffs, regardless if he was Jack's dad. I didn't want to see the shake in his face or even the shock when realizing who's daughter I was, especially because my dad had be tight with the police.

"They won't if we're not too loud." Jack reassured noticing my expression, "Jesus, you really need to get out more. There's an entire life outside of your church doors, you know that?"

"Obviously." I groan before looking back at the party, "But my parents are terrified of that life and I have no say."

Luckily Jordan had walked up to us before the conversation had gotten any deeper. She was smiling tightly holding a red plastic cup tumbling over to us.

"So guess who's here?" She giggles waiting for my answer, "Remember that guy, Nate Maloley, you had a huge crush on freshman year?"

Oh god.

Before I was even allowed to have a boyfriend, or even before I had met Sammy, there was the other one. Because I was so young and didn't take anything serious my freshman year I had let Nathan Maloley kiss me in the janitors closet for at least thirty seconds.

I had gotten to ashamed the day after it happened that I just straight on avoided him for the rest of the school year. The week after the talk my dad talked about marriage and sex - I had thought my dad had known.

"And he wants to talk to you!" She cheered before calming herself down and looking around to see if anyone had seen her.

"You told him I was here?" I asked her as she just nodded her head talking another sip of her drink, "I dont wanna talk to him Jordan."

She rolled her eyes, "You've just lied to your parents to come to a party and this is the thing that scares you most?"

She had a point. But I didn't even find him attractive anymore, I had gotten over him pretty fast. Plus I'd feel even worse leaving Jack to go talk to a guy that I didn't even think of anymore.

"I just-" I stopped myself looking at the body walked up to us. So I had needed not to go over to Nate cause it had seem like he was already making his way over to me, "Oh my gosh."

Jack has straightened up watching the male walk over to us as Jordan now stood beside me also watching the approaching man.

"It's definitely hard to even recognize you anymore Charlotte." He smirked looking me in my eyes, "You look great."

"She knows." Jack answered after the words wouldn't form out of my mouth. I was going to say thank you, Jack's answer had come off rude.

"And you're hanging with Gilinsky?" He then asked before looking at Jack who had already been staring cautiously at him. The sudden possessive mode he went into was kind of... attractive, "Odd choice."

"Cause you're the biggest fucking saint." Jack rolled his eyes untwisting his water bottle cap and taking a sip.

Jordan had been watching the two from the sideline just as I was but she was also making growling sounds to also say this was making her feel a way.

I seen both of them step up a bit. I had seen a fight once in my school and I had knew every motion that led up to that.

I quickly had gotten in the middle looking over to Nate dropping my soda in the process, "It was really good to see you again Nate but Jack and I have elsewhere to be."

"You do?" Jordan asked as I just shot her a warning look.

"Maybe we can talk later." I suggest just to try to get him to leave. I back up making jack do the same before watching Nate walk away throwing his cup to the ground aggressively and disappearing into the crowd.

I let out a breath of relief before turning to Jack who was now drinking his water as if nothing had happened.

"That's my cue to leave." Jordan muttered now stumbling back to the party. It would've been great if she didn't come over anyways.

"Well that ruined my party vibe." Jack admitted looking back over to me.

"You wanna explain what the hell that was?" I asked him crossing my arms over my chest, "That wasn't cool Jack."

"I wasn't trying to be." He said, "I was trying to make him leave and if not that I was going to beat his ass."

"Over what!?" I snapped now throwing my hands up and letting them fall to my side.

"I think we both know what it was over Charlie." And then he walked away.


This chapter is pretty long so enjoy!

Anyways, opinions?

preachers daughter + jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now